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  1. Bshbloke

    My official grow thread! With pics!

    Of course you could take a cutting bro ive done cuttings off plants at the end of a harvest it makes them supercrop when they reveg,it takes my money make about 7weeks to reach its peak in flower before I harvest but thats with about 2months veg behind them
  2. Bshbloke

    My official grow thread! With pics!

    Yep I top them from reali early when I first take them as clones and I just keep topping them till I get what I want lol I also tie the shit out of them,the only down side of topping lots is all the defol you gotta do to get light down into the canopy this run I had sumthing like 11oz in cabbage...
  3. Bshbloke

    My official grow thread! With pics!

    Your doing algood there bro you learn from ya mistakes trust me before I went (coco/hydro/autopot) I made shit tons of cock ups with organics nailed it in the end but I learnt bro,bwt nice to see another money maker grower around im about a week out from finishing,ive got two other strains in my...
  4. Bshbloke


    Update time im at the start of week 7 now yay 2weeks to go
  5. Bshbloke

    Club 600

    Well im 1 day off the start of week7 heres what my money maker looks like on herbies Heres what mine looks like
  6. Bshbloke

    Club 600

    Lol well with all you fellas guidance I hope to hit that mark,sum how I feel I wont quite make it this run but next round im gonna give it a real crack,I think my real heavy weights are northern lights and the money maker,the northern lights I run always had yeilded reali well for me this is my...
  7. Bshbloke

    Club 600

    This may sound like a dumb question as every one grows differently and every strain yields differently but in a 3x3 tent packed like mine what would a average grow yeild? Ive got about 2 weeks till mines done and im about as excited as the first time a young man gets a good had full of tit and...
  8. Bshbloke

    Club 600

    Heres the end of the week 6 pics my phone camera a wee bit blurry on some pics tho Northern lights big bud, money maker,holy Grail
  9. Bshbloke

    Club 600

    That looks DENSE supchaka how many you got in there?
  10. Bshbloke

    Club 600

    Oh and my tent is 100cm x 100cm x 200cm
  11. Bshbloke

    Club 600

    Hello fellas im about 3 weeks out from finishing my first 600w hps grow had done plenty of grows befor hand with a 400w hps. Im a coco grow I absolutely love the stuff my coco setup is in 3 auto pot units so 6 plants in total upon which I veged under a 150w 14000k cfl for 2months so its slow...
  12. Bshbloke

    Oi bro get sum pics up I want the yaks to see sum real kiwi grows

    Oi bro get sum pics up I want the yaks to see sum real kiwi grows
  13. Bshbloke

    Autopot Newbie!

    Algood bro please post up ya thread Id love to see another auto pot grower on here posting
  14. Bshbloke


    Heres the rest fucking other pics keep doubling up be4
  15. Bshbloke


    well heres this weeks update the girls are cranking reali well ive got 4 weeks left soooooo cnt wait for these heads to grow somthing fucking mad
  16. Bshbloke

    Autopot Newbie!

    Hey bro nice to see sum one else use auto pots I thought I was all alone out here but yay im not now,I use house and garden along side canna and house and garden drip clean to keep all my lines clean, atm im doing a experiment between air domes and air stones so if you follow my thread il be...
  17. Bshbloke

    Coco loco?

    Could just be very fine coco with perlite added,thats what my coco looks like in the base of my pots where ir uptakes my nutrient,could be wrong tho
  18. Bshbloke


    Lol that ballest will be just fine down there boss its quite funny that you mention the fan cause I did that about 2weeks back, next time ask dont be a smarty pants about shit,advices Is kool smart arse advise is not wantd here bro,heres a pic of my ballest I just moved forward for you.
  19. Bshbloke


    Well flower is in full blast atm,my smaller girls got a wee bit of nutrient burn as my ppm was up to 1300ppm so I had to add 5ltrs of water to drop it down to 1130ppm usually they dont mind being up near 1200ppm but I think 1300 was a bit much although my big plants showed no sign of burn and...
  20. Bshbloke

    Nug Machine final MODS ?

    Why oh why bro I hope this is a prank aye,I would give you a detailed yarn about how I unfound god after my motor bike accident I had about 6 years ago and realised my only salvation was my children and and then there grandchildren and so forth and what I could teach them and give them now to...