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  1. doublejj


    the war hasn't been going on at this scale since 2014. They haven't had a war like this in Europe since WW2.
  2. doublejj


    so what would you concede to get your bedroom back?...
  3. doublejj


    trump and putler were very much counting on the US leaving NATO.
  4. doublejj


    If someone breaks into your house and moves into a bedroom and claims ownership, what type of negotiations would you be up for?....
  5. doublejj


    trump was going to get the US out of NATO in his second term and that would have given putler free reign across Europe. Lucky for them Biden won
  6. doublejj


    If Ukraine falls, Poland is next and they know it, Germany too..
  7. doublejj


    Yeah we should have been helping Ukraine long before this. It just emboldened putler to continue his conquest. Everyone underestimated the Ukrainians
  8. doublejj


    By next fall Ukraine will be getting f16's and more modern tanks, & by next spring it should all be over. Or maybe russia will somehow get NATO involved and then Ukraine/NATO will use f35's...Air supremacy over the battlefield is paramount.
  9. doublejj


    They should make a pretty good dent in it by this fall. Ukraine has the best Army in Europe at this point and only getting stronger.
  10. doublejj


    These guys were American's with prior military service that volunteered to fight for Ukraine. They died wearing Ukrainian uniforms. US soldiers are not fighting in Ukraine.
  11. doublejj


    America is not fighting this war, not 1 US soldier has died in Ukraine. Ukraine has most of what it needs to win this war, all they lack are the tools. Ask the Japanese about the US war machine. NATO will supply Ukraine all it needs to win. Russia cannot compete with all of NATO's resources...
  12. doublejj


  13. doublejj


    Ukrainian children living in Izium have sent nearly 100 drawings to Saaremaa to say thank you to people living on the island for the donation of postal trucks to their city.
  14. doublejj


  15. doublejj


    Ukraine to export electricity again after months of Russian attacks
  16. doublejj


    There are 31 members of NATO ready to feed Ukraine's war machine. And Russia is about to find out why America doesn't have Universal Health Care, we buy weapons...The US Defense Budget is larger than Russia's entire budget...
  17. doublejj


  18. doublejj


  19. doublejj


    Russia cannot continue to burn military resources at this rate for another year. Sanctions and lack of production components will bring Muscovy to its knees. Europe has already replaced all of russian gas and oil with other supplies and they will never go back. Russian economy is in poor shape...
  20. doublejj


    Slava Ukraini..