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  1. doublejj


    TLDR.....get a rope
  2. doublejj

    Trump To Turn Himself In

    I just go off the phone with my Dr office. He replied.......
  3. doublejj


  4. doublejj


  5. doublejj

    Building Aero Cloner

    DIY 55gl Home Depot totes....I use 15gl of solution so the pump won't overheat the reservoir. Run 24/7. I make 100's of clones at a time..
  6. doublejj

    Breeding with 707 SeedBank

    are you the 707 that use to attend the RIU BBQ's?.....I know he was into pollen chucking...
  7. doublejj


    They don't have a death penalty in Muscovy. This woman should plead guilty and when she gets to prison volunteer for the Wagner army and once she is sent to Ukraine she can surrender and be treated like a hero.....
  8. doublejj

    not making a mess with the aero cloner

    I got tired of washing the pucks all the time so I use new ones each time. They are cheap enough and you are sure not to transfer anything from one cycle to the next. I also purchased an extra sprayer head and pump to be able to quickly change the unit out and get everything back up if any...
  9. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    I understand that perfectly......I speak 'Lib'
  10. doublejj


    I've had very good results with Happy Frog and Ocean Forest 50/50. I start all my plants with it. 250 clones in 50/50 HF/OF....clone mothers also
  11. doublejj


    The US is sending these to Ukraine.....Slava Ukraini
  12. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    How's that working for yah?...
  13. doublejj

    We Grow Cannabis: A free e-book From Jorge Cervantes

    The growers BBQ's were awesome for sharing information and networking, not to mention Hella fun. But the pandemic shut those down a few years ago. Maybe we should start those up again?....
  14. doublejj


    US Army awards Lockheed up to $4.5 bln missiles contract
  15. doublejj

    Help Support Rollitup

    I'm still the original owner of one of these.....
  16. doublejj

    Bursto's outdoor hydro

    pics?...Your down under right?....or is that left? A few years ago a fellow grower and I wanted to do this using a trash dumpster for a MONSTER outdoor..
  17. doublejj

    My friends dont want to see anymore weed pics

    Awesome to see this....You're killin it :clap:
  18. doublejj

    Open show an tell 2023

    Hella sweet!...nice work
  19. doublejj

    Happy Little Trees

    Nice of luck
  20. doublejj

    First Time Tent Grow

    April is a little early to put clones outside as they will want to flower due to short days. You may have better luck if you can wait until mid/late May. Your plants are looking great...Best of luck