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  1. L

    Rank Ass Smelling plant

    My plant has the rankest, nastiest, smell. Its the second week of flowering and my plant smells like ass. not sure what it is. Im using organic soil not hydro. What the hell is going on?? switched the pots out thinking there was some rank water stuck in the bottom?? HELP? The...
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    Magic in my closet

    finally my trichs are popping out big time. starting to look like theyre rolled in sugar. bud density is getting better. is there such thing as waiting to long to flower? what should i be looking for in order for the big chop?? ITS LIKE CHIRISTMAS :mrgreen:.
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    1st grower needs some pointers

    sorry about the no photographer.
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    1st grower needs some pointers

    Thanks for the reply. Im about 2/12 weeks into flower using a 1000w hps. Loads of white hairs but not getting the crystals like i thought i would. Do the trichs come out right at the end? (Ill try and get some close ups but the pics come out grainy.)
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    1st grower needs some pointers

    My ak-48 is flowering and i can't seem to get the buds to "pop". This is my first grow. i have read and read but anyone have any finishing tricks to get my buds nice and thick?? Sorry about the quality of the pics
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    Over kill

    I have a hydrofarm xtrasun 1000w hps. I have 10 plants vegging. I got a really good deal on the light and couldnt pass it up. however i think im going to get a 400 w mh and save the 1000w for flowering. any thoughts?? :eyesmoke:
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    1000w hps HELP!!

    talked to the tech at hydrofarm today. awesome guy. shipping it out and getting it back within a week. I'm only buying hydrofarm from now on. best customer service i've got from any company. period. things are looking up! hydrofarm saved christmas!!:blsmoke:
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    1000w hps HELP!!

    damn i don't wanna drop 150 for a rebuild kit. fuck. the whole setup worked fine for about 2 weeks then it went out. figured the bulb just burn't out. put in a nnew bulb and it just glowed. (not fully illuminated) so first thought was i had a bad bulb. well sometimes you just gotta suck it...
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    1000w hps HELP!!

    I'm still not sure whats bad. whats a good way to find out if its the ballast or the bulb??
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    1000w hps HELP!!

    Im not sure how old it is? bought it from a guy that moved away. i thought it might just need time to warm up so i left it on for about an hour. still glowing but not on. wired for 110. lost here.
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    1000w hps HELP!!

    Week 2 of my grow my light went out....convinced it was the bulb i just replaced it. the new bulb will glow but not fully come on. the ballast is getting juice and buzzing but still not on 100% HELP??? Save my grow!
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    WHAT THE FUCK 1k watt edition

    my 1k watt xtrasun was working fine until 2 days ago. the light simply went out. convinced it was just a burn out i put a new bulb in. nothing. the ballast is geting juice and the new bulb glows but doesn't fully come on. help! SOS! save my grow!
  13. L

    hey im also doing a 1000w closet grow. how is yours coming along? im in day 2

    hey im also doing a 1000w closet grow. how is yours coming along? im in day 2
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    1000w hps by itself??

    I ended up buying the 1000w HPS from my friend. now im starting to design my setup. Id like to employ the sea of green method. my question is should i buy a smaller watt hid for the vegging stage and just use the 1000w hps for flowering? pics of my space when i get my camera charged.
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    8 T5s enough?

    I was just reading and was wondering if you decided to get the t5. I just got my 1000w hps today and was looking at the t5 for cloning/vegging.
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    lighting choice **

    6 to start out with but i plan on expanding to aroud 12 once i get things running smoothly. more if space allows. thanks for the help Kenwood
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    lighting choice **

    I have 3 closets. one 4x4x10ft with shelving for cloning. 2nd closet is 4x8x10ft for vegging (this is where the 1000w would be 3rd is 4x4x10ft for buding. havent decided on light yet. is the 1000w overkill? i like the t5 personally.
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    lighting choice **

    alright guys im facing a little dilemma here.... 1.) a friend of mine has a 1000w light w/ ballast and hood he has to get rid of. (hes moving and is willing to sell it to me for $150) 2.) he has other people interested and i have to buy it today or it'll be gone. 3.) this is a good deal...
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    Craigslist buy?

    Found 400w HID on craigslist for $30 apiece? too good to be true? :confused:
  20. L

    Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

    This is the greatest thread i've ever seen. I was lost...but now i am found! Thank you!