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  1. Bshbloke


    ive been using 1 table spoon molasses in 1ltr of spring water twice a week but i may have to add more alil more also using blood and bone and sea weed to
  2. Bshbloke


    bro couldnt have been said any other way bro nice
  3. Bshbloke

    mind blowin

    yeah i agree with Powerslide ive done it twice now and its to much pissn round for my liking took lyk a month b4 i saw any growth lol,but each to there own lol
  4. Bshbloke

    mind blowin

    unfortunly you wont get much trust on this site if you cant post pics bro,its just how it is,clone from her man use her as ur mother plant
  5. Bshbloke

    What 2 do help!

    two weeks till the end of our season down hea bro well 4 my bro any way
  6. Bshbloke

    mind blowin

    but i always keep my seeding plants away for a week then wash em the banannas are what pops from inside the balls and drop off blow round,its reali amazing how fast males produce balls and then pollinate withn like 7days
  7. Bshbloke

    mind blowin

    have a hermi and get one of the bananna from the hermi and pop it and spread it on the white hairs of a straight female but you still have a chance of the seeds turning hermi but not as much as if it was seeds from a hermi,fun stuff to dabble in bro,get sum pics up bro,have a look at mine to
  8. Bshbloke

    Any kiwis out there?

    yeah bro ur dead right nah it bone dry down hea expect 4 ma main man whos a old skool grower from the begining its hard case bro bikey as guy,yeah it expensive up in aucks for an oz tho 350,back in the naki 200-250 for made white rhino or crystal as ak47 lol you get the best indoor up in aucks tho
  9. Bshbloke

    The 1st Grow & Organic

    your girls looking nice bro happy growing bro,lol they open throating that water bro
  10. Bshbloke

    Any kiwis out there?

    lol yeah i mainly jst read and research bro lol um getting busted with personal stuff um they pretty good aye they jst usaly take it off ya and give you a big speech but if you being a smart ass theyl charge you with possition which is usaly 40hours communtiy service,nah no legal growing down...
  11. Bshbloke

    Any kiwis out there?

    wheres all the kiwis at theses days love to know what the ppls got growing in nz
  12. Bshbloke

    Is this a Herm?

    sort of looks like it may turn hermi i only say that coz my plants com up with an odd looking head b4 they turn male,i supose ul find out in afew days,hermis make good oil
  13. Bshbloke

    dank as beans frm nz first time hps

    time for weekly photos again ENJOY
  14. Bshbloke


    nice bro keep it up
  15. Bshbloke


    go to the nutes page bro ul get the best advice there or orgaincs if your going organic
  16. Bshbloke

    mollasess?how good is it for your plants?

    chur bro i throught so to,after this grow im gona get a full body 1 with ma buds covering the girls/mother of my son lady bits lol
  17. Bshbloke

    My OUTDOORY is Flowering Again!!! Early Resin Production or what!!!

    yeah oh well it only 1 day i got to wait till i gt more water so not to much of an issue there,backwhen i was meat working i bearly slept 3 hours like u man and that went on 4 well good part or a year i lost and gained so much weight all the time wasnt funny,but im back to working on power lines...
  18. Bshbloke

    My OUTDOORY is Flowering Again!!! Early Resin Production or what!!!

    lol yeah bro i love a nice white white women:hump:lol, you should c how many ppl you can get to get profile pics like theses ited be hard case i reakn. in alot of pain atm got a reali busted body from to many cigerettes and bad quality oil when i was younger,lungs arnt to good but the weed...
  19. Bshbloke

    My OUTDOORY is Flowering Again!!! Early Resin Production or what!!!

    fudge cake is the best tho or those brandy balls my mates mother inlaw makes them and they get u wasted id have no clue how its done tho,i just made sum hash oil befor had alil of both so yeah im WASTED hope u like the new pic bro lol
  20. Bshbloke

    My OUTDOORY is Flowering Again!!! Early Resin Production or what!!!

    true chur my next lot of cab going into butter so that should be pretty cool its been a long time since i had hash cake lol last time i had hash cake ma girl ate like 6 peices and she slept 4 3 days straight acoulpe days after that we found out she was preg hahahaha crazy times crazy times:joint::-?