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  1. R

    Epsom salts!?? What is this for

    So I have a few plants nute burn i think and yellowing badly. I heard to crush up epsom salts dissolve in gallon Water, to prevent yellowing WILL THIS BURN MY PLANT EVEN MORE????
  2. R

    Root rot! Oh noooo!!!

    Bird McBridge Im NOT throwing shit in my buds lol , Sucks I just watered this morning before i red this. I will stop watering for 3-5 days now...I need this to stop, and start growing again
  3. R

    Root rot! Oh noooo!!!

    Ok, Stop watering for 3-5 days? Ive been watering with PHd super thrive water
  4. R

    Root rot! Oh noooo!!!

    So I have noticed my plant is dieing, its 3-4 weeks into flower, and when i water, it smells REALLLLY BAD! The plant stopped looking healthy once changed over, I just bought some base nutes, so help the nitrogen problem.... So Now, I bought some epsom salts, WHAT IS THIS FOR? Would this help...
  5. R

    Wtf is this!!???? Is she dieing

    they still look like shit, one plant is completely loosing its green color turning to light green/yellow, I have croc leaf on other plant, leaves are dieing off, flushed her in the bathtub and soaked the soil relal good, nothing changed
  6. R

    Wtf is this!!???? Is she dieing

    So I have been flushing for past 2 waterings, 3-4 drops of superthrive and 5.9-6.2 ph, KEEP GOING? When should I add nutes again
  7. R

    Is this Stupid to do

    yeah it does the job, hopesfully it works....the clones i took were already in flowering for 3 weeks, i have them under 24/7 250watt CFL
  8. R

    Is this Stupid to do

    So i am 3 weeks into flowering, and i had some thick lower growth, i actually pinched when they were young and the stock got thick, well i cut it off from the main and threw it in rooting gel for a couple mins, then I stuck them into a bubble cloner I made from a folgers coffee container, air...
  9. R

    Wtf is this!!???? Is she dieing

    it seems like everytime i use AN nutes something happens, is it me or do anyone notice that? Ive never used full strength, always less than half and burns the shit outta them
  10. R

    Wtf is this!!???? Is she dieing

    well i scraped it off, it could of been salt build up, I scooped it off the top layer, and water'd 5.9ph super thrive water
  11. R

    Wtf is this!!???? Is she dieing

    So i was flushing another one out, and noticed a white substance on the top of my soil...IS THIS MOLD?!!!!!
  12. R

    This is terrific!

    yeah budddyyy! Ill give this a try
  13. R

    Wtf is this!!???? Is she dieing

    Should I give them alittle more super thrive than usual?
  14. R

    Wtf is this!!???? Is she dieing

    I have them in 8x5 tent, i pop the door open when lights are on, get fresh air every day
  15. R

    Wtf is this!!???? Is she dieing

    I have a Box fan just blowing air around, Nothing efficient right now
  16. R

    MY NEW AERO SYSTEM- Its Sexy and you know it

    Check it out, Running 550GPH pump, overkill i know but i will be adding 2 more 18gal tubs round 2, Have 2 Six shooter Grand daddy cross, going, roots loving the new system..... Little Bubble CLoner on the side, Works MINT! Cheap little fuKer
  17. R

    Wtf is this!!???? Is she dieing

    Should I just flush for a week? WHat should I do
  18. R

    This is terrific!

    So I was going to get a bloom base from the hydro store and one mentioned using sensi grow Part B with Big Bud. The results are amazing, now i dont need a bloom base nor Overdrive for booster. The Sensi Part B gives you the N and Boost of PK for flowering, Big Bud is just an additive...Then I...
  19. R

    Wtf is this!!???? Is she dieing

    curling up=overwater brown spots=bad circulation yellowing at the leaves=nitrogen def. Is this whats happening?