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  1. danielc26

    lighting question

    could you post a pic or a link of everything i need
  2. danielc26

    lighting question

    i know 12/12 is for flowering i read you could do that from a seed so i'm trying it. Where can i get the right soil?
  3. danielc26

    lighting question

    the date on my camera is wrong i just took these pics.
  4. danielc26

    lighting question

    where can i get a 100 watt cfl? My space is very small but i know my plants are starving for light. The first plant has been through ALOT. I planted this unknown see a couple months ago outside at work, forgot all about it. I found it one day so i transplanted it and took it home. When it was...
  5. danielc26

    lighting question

    i went to lowes but i really dont want to wire anything so i'm probably going to get some clip on lamps for the four cfls . Is it worth it to use cfls while flowering? i'm growing with a walmart grow light right now i'll post pics of my babies soon.
  6. danielc26

    lighting question

    i am going to buy some cfls but how do i run 4 at one time? Where can i get a fixture?