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  1. Xephier

    Anyone in Toronto area looking to get into growing?

    I'm not sure if this is the right area of the forums for this but here goes nothin. I went through a grow and it worked out alright but I'm done with it now and I'm moving across the country via greyhound so I need to offload my grow stuff...
  2. Xephier

    List of reasons for low THC?

    Ya, I don't believe those things were an issue. more likely stress or genetics.
  3. Xephier

    List of reasons for low THC?

    Ya, I kinda thought about it after I typed that and it makes sense otherwise people wouldn't do sea of green. Phenotype?
  4. Xephier

    List of reasons for low THC?

    Mostly white widow strain which I've always heard is good but maybe not these specific seeds, idk. There was likely some stress and such. One thing I noticed from these plants compared to the last is that I grew the last ones much much smaller, my biggest plant stem was only between quarter to...
  5. Xephier

    List of reasons for low THC?

    My first plants that cropped out were auto-flower. Small plants but apparently packed quite a punch, they were quite liked by my customers but the other plants all came out with very low THC and required a few joints to even obtain a buzz. I'd just like to know what a list of the reasons for...
  6. Xephier

    Carbon Filter vs Carbon Scrubber

    This is the only sensible answer on this thread. But the followup question would be "which is more effective?".
  7. Xephier

    Never let your plants get bone dry?

    I'm not even going to return to this thread it's just turned into a flame war at this point and nothing productive comes of it. I didn't even write this thread to take advice, I made this thread to make a point but people gotta go jumping in and being all opinionated an shit. W.E I'm done with...
  8. Xephier

    Never let your plants get bone dry?

    Eat shit dickface. No offence. Obviously his PH is going to be different, was there a point at which I stated it wouldn't be? That's what PH up and PH down is for. Even he used PH up but I'm not saying that I would use PH up just because he did, I'm just throwing that out there. I will adjust...
  9. Xephier

    Never let your plants get bone dry?

    I factor in all opinions that I get before making any decisions but with him sittin there telling me that my grow can't be compared to my friend's that is almost entirely the same with exception of water and experience then by his own logic I shouldn't be listening to anyone else including my...
  10. Xephier

    Never let your plants get bone dry?

    I seriously wish people would quit with that line. I asked a perfectly valid question, it has nothing to do with not listening.. I obviously listened to my friend that I've known for over 17 years and that's been successful in his grows otherwise I wouldn't be using the same stuff as him. I have...
  11. Xephier

    Never let your plants get bone dry?

    I don't get what you're going on about, if two people use the same soil, same strain, same nutes and keep temps and humidity in check around the same levels then explain to me how different water alone means that the two situations are nothing alike? I'm not trying to be an ass or anything but...
  12. Xephier

    Never let your plants get bone dry?

    You're on my thread.. You're fired.
  13. Xephier

    Never let your plants get bone dry?

    Obviously our tap water will be different, he lives in BC I live in Ontario. I mean the grow situation is the same otherwise and I already know that I gotta work out my PH issues.
  14. Xephier

    Never let your plants get bone dry?

    Thx, still gotta get my license but having a car with give me the incentive to get the license. Besides, I drive it around the parking area out back some for extra practice before the test. As for that comparison it's a bit off. It's more like saying my "friend" is my identical twin brother and...
  15. Xephier

    Never let your plants get bone dry?

    2 of the plants are autoflower and already flowering and one of those 2 is the second most healthy of the 5. The 7 plants that I've started are my redo but I'm not just gonna trash the plants that're around a foot tall. My first plants are pretty much the alpha/beta stage, the 7 smaller plants...
  16. Xephier

    Never let your plants get bone dry?

    no shit, chill, it's a learning process. I'll get it right eventually, I'm still on my first grow.
  17. Xephier

    Never let your plants get bone dry?

    Ok this is definitely a PH issue, more than likely PH too high. I actually caused this on purpose though to test my limits with PH. The water was about 6.8 on strips and 8.5 on drops but 8.5 is as high as drops go so it mighta been a bit higher. This plant got the worst of it. Btw the burn on...
  18. Xephier

    Car insurance in Ontario..

    I lived in Calgary for a good portion of my life. It was a city but a small one so taking public transportation wasn't that big of a deal. Lived in small towns after that so getting anywhere was easy. That aside, the idea of driving a motorized vehicle has always made me nervous. One little...
  19. Xephier

    Never let your plants get bone dry?

    I would say don't waste your fingers on your ass but to each his own.
  20. Xephier

    Car insurance in Ontario..

    How much do you pay and are you a new driver?