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  1. Xephier

    Never let your plants get bone dry?

    Well, I'm gonna be watering mine in about an hour and a half, I'll post some updated pictures tonight or tomorrow after they perk up some.
  2. Xephier

    Car insurance in Ontario..

    I've heard it's cheaper in Alberta than BC but I'll take 105$ over 350 anyday. What kind of area do you live? City, town, middle of nowhere?
  3. Xephier

    Car insurance in Ontario..

    LOL ya sure but your minimum wage is like 8 bux an hour.
  4. Xephier

    Never let your plants get bone dry?

    Well if the strain affected what PH is needed for the plant then ya wouldn't have everyone saying that "PH should be 6.0-7.0". They'd be saying that you have to figure out PH for yourself if that was the case. As for the size of his plants, one of his plants is bigger but obviously it started...
  5. Xephier

    Car insurance in Ontario..

    Back to the original point of this thread. I called ICBC just out of curiosity and got a quote from them and it is seriously cheap. For me a new driver and the vehicle that I'm using(a 2003 mitubishi galant) it's 105$ a month for insurance... I asked the guy up and down "no hidden fees, that's...
  6. Xephier

    Never let your plants get bone dry?

    It's not rocket science man. He uses the same water that I use. The PH of his tap water is going the be the same as the PH of my tap water.
  7. Xephier

    Never let your plants get bone dry?

    I'd water mine now but I like to wait until after the night cycle(I've heard it's best to water them right at the beginning of the day cycle).
  8. Xephier

    Car insurance in Ontario..

    I don't watch that show, the mentality of it is retarded. If you like sitting around watching a show with 3 idiots that say "fuck" 10 times in a sentence then it's great I guess..
  9. Xephier

    Never let your plants get bone dry?

    My roommate doesn't have such problems and he doesn't even check the PH of his water.
  10. Xephier

    Never let your plants get bone dry?

    I've been told this from day one. Let them dry out before you water them but never let them get bone dry. Just for shits I let my plants get bone dry, I mean they're so dry that I can literally take them by the stem and pluck the entire plant right out of the pot. The point is that they've...
  11. Xephier

    Car insurance in Ontario..

    That's a myth. There are likely some small communities within Canada that do that but it is isolated. I have been all across Canada and have yet to hear someone say it like that and if I did I'd make fun of them to no end.
  12. Xephier

    Car insurance in Ontario..

    French Canadians can fuck off. Every time I hear one of them talk I feel like telling them to fuck off and speak English(even though they are speaking English) I mean seriously they sound like they're mentally handicapped with that French accent, like they're trying to speak english but they...
  13. Xephier

    Car insurance in Ontario..

    It has it's ups and downs.. Last time I watered my plants they started dying from the bottom up again but now they seem ok.. They're dry but I'm gonna wait another day before I water them because I really gotta find that limit, the point that they need to be watered so I don't over/under do it...
  14. Xephier

    Car insurance in Ontario..

    ACK.. Hardly.. "Minorities" are flooding all of our major cities, white people are the new minority. And for the record, we bring the beef. Mexico isn't an arrogant country so I won't bash it but it's not without it's issues. I mean ya, great place to go if ya don't mind having your head chopped...
  15. Xephier

    Car insurance in Ontario..

    Of course Canada is gonna be near the top of that list, we're not a developing country that lacks proper plumbing and stuff. In all honesty I don't even think Canada is that much better than the US, we just have a lower population and up to date gun laws and a better economy than the US and...
  16. Xephier

    Car insurance in Ontario..

    I'm confused, are you Canadian? I mean you're saying "we grow better weed" and that's a Canadian thing. Americans only grow better fat people(or is that fatter fat people?). I mean if you require a forklift to get outta your bedroom then you're probably an American.
  17. Xephier

    Car insurance in Ontario..

    The only reason for the legalization of firearms was back in the 1700-1800's when people could actually do anything about a corrupt government. But in this day and age there is no use for it beside this I don't think the UN would take too kindly to the US doing a hostile takeover on Canada. Me...
  18. Xephier

    Car insurance in Ontario..

    Ya don't need to be born in a middle east shitbox to see what America is like, ya just need to clean the shit outta your eyes. Outdated gun laws, high rate of obesity, shit economy and with all that ya still find the time to go "YAY AMURICAZ THE BEST!!!" So much condescending pride and you...
  19. Xephier

    Car insurance in Ontario..

    Those are singers and it's relative to how good/bad they are. Personally I like celine dion and I don't think that nickelback are as bad as people say they are. Bieber has had one or 2 songs that are ok, as for bieber himself, well.. It's not like mentally retarded folk don't exist in america. I...
  20. Xephier

    Car insurance in Ontario..

    I'd still rather be a Canadian than American economy-wise and obesity-wise and not being a condescending fuck of a country-wise and honey boo boo, need I say more?