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  1. Marijuana_Mania

    Why was my post deleted?

    you are correct i didnt read the policy, but i doubt many other read it either so i think every should just not read it and learn through mistakes so they rememebr the rules better :peace: YEEEE
  2. Marijuana_Mania

    Why was my post deleted?

    I demand to know, i had a post up about cops and i guess the admin deleted it... is the admin a cop or something?
  3. Marijuana_Mania

    Who are you? a/s/l

    16/M/ Ontario, Canada :peace:
  4. Marijuana_Mania

    Anna's dead. that's just sad.

    lol i only read the first 2 posts but you guys dont really care do you? she was obviously taking pills, the trim spa doesent make you lose that much weight ahahahaha :peace: