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  1. Loststrain

    Can Anyone answer several questions for me?

    I veg the WELL the way I've been doing it, actually it's been remarkably good. But I am thinking of getting good veg lights. But for flowering I'm looking at some 40w 3200Lumens bulbs to fit my lamp. Now for flowering, if I could use two of those, and let's say about 100w of 3000k cfl's making...
  2. Loststrain

    Help me please... I need some help!

    Actually all three are doing fine and only one is doing bad and it's because my cutting utensil wasn't strong at the time of IT'S cutting, it's newest. I always use brand new razor, cut at 45 degree angel, about 5 nodes down sometimes 4. I re-cut under water, then dip in hormone good. I use...
  3. Loststrain

    When should I expect bud?

    Why thank you :D
  4. Loststrain

    Can Anyone answer several questions for me?

    Ohh well thank you. Any brand suggestions? I'm about to google it all so I know what to look for so what should I type in? Any links? Thank you so much btw.
  5. Loststrain

    When should I expect bud?

    I have another post you should go look at and jump into. It's the one i'm most updated on. Maybe you can help me. I am talking about how I can spend about 200$ in the next few weeks on lights so you should go read it. It's my newest one. See ya there.
  6. Loststrain

    Can Anyone answer several questions for me?

    OKay tell me exactly everything. Make me a list of shit man :) I can be your student right now lol. Just help me out. I'm getting about 100 on thursday. What should i go get then? I'm sorry for asking so much, I am just desperate. Like the next year of my life is almost dependent on these five...
  7. Loststrain

    Can Anyone answer several questions for me?

    oh, well I'm still newbin it out. but what should I do? I'm on a low budget in the US, help me out. I can spend about 200$ in the next three weeks on lights and shit. What should I do, and where should I go?
  8. Loststrain

    When should I expect bud?

    Not ordering I need a "pick up" and idk man I just need a balast to connect it to, it's just the bulb, I actually jacked it a LONG time ago from a lamp post that had vines COVERING it, it's blue. I just need a lil balast :(
  9. Loststrain

    Can Anyone answer several questions for me?

    well I have a lot so am I safe? Together that's 5700k plus the other little ones. Is that okay?
  10. Loststrain

    Can Anyone answer several questions for me?

    oh I though that was kelvin? the one I have on it is 3,000k the other ones are 3,000; 2,700; 340mA; 280mA; 280mA; and the rest dont say.
  11. Loststrain

    Can Anyone answer several questions for me?

    idk how do I tell? and which ones?
  12. Loststrain

    Can Anyone answer several questions for me?

    I have approx four 28w bulbs, three 23w, one 26w, and three 13w cfl's I can add to the 80w of grow tubes. Would that help?
  13. Loststrain

    Can Anyone answer several questions for me?

    Thank you NOWitall and I have two in right now but im going to concentrate more on the cfl's. I have one in there it's about a 10 foot deep and about 4 square feet maybe five so it's prettty roomy. Housed up to 7 plants before. But my plan is to put in the cfl's, and put one at the bottom for...
  14. Loststrain

    Can Anyone answer several questions for me?

    Okay thank you, and bud grows on the nodes that's why I was saying.
  15. Loststrain

    When should I expect bud?

    Well what lights should I use? I have a 175w HPS but idk where to get a cheap balast? And how much would one be? I need to put an extra cover over the grow room door also. But thank you so much!
  16. Loststrain

    Can Anyone answer several questions for me?

    Okay cool. I need more socket adapters because I'm currently using two on the clones which are doing GREAT, i'm just over watering some. Thank you so much btw. And I'm new on here so I have a question. Why is there a lock by my posts?
  17. Loststrain

    Can Anyone answer several questions for me?

    I have a SHIT load of cfl's. about 200w of them, should I put them on it too?
  18. Loststrain

    Can Anyone answer several questions for me?

    So it's almost not even worth it? I mean where I am it's kinda expensive weed. So out of a healthy 30 inches+ plant with GREAT long nodes about 16-24 inches long. How much bud should I expect it to yield?
  19. Loststrain

    Can Anyone answer several questions for me?

    well the lights are unique because I got em from a growin buddy. But they are 4ft General Electronics grow bulbs. It doesn say what watt, but they are purplish. I have had it on 12/12 for about two weeks. It's a clone from the strain "razzamatazz" and it's wild. But I am just a little nervous...
  20. Loststrain

    Can Anyone answer several questions for me?

    ok so the past few times I've grown indoor good bud it was SMALL and stopped growing after a while. BUT the plants were like fucked up prettyy bad, but should i expect small shitty buds on a GOOD DANK clone thats HEALTHY and 30 inches+?