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  1. doublejj


  2. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    republicans smh..... Police called to hospital room of terminally-ill patient vaping marijuana On December 16th, Hays, Kansas police entered the hospital room of 69-year-old Greg Bretz, who is suffering from terminal cancer, after a hospital worker at Hays Medical Center caught him vaping...
  3. doublejj

    Examples of Democratic Party leadership

    This goes along with my 5% Califronia Retirement benefit increase for 2023...thank you Gavin Newsome and the California legislature...Merry Christmas to me! Vote Blue
  4. doublejj

    Examples of Democratic Party leadership

    My wife & I received our Social Security 2023 benefit statements today and am happy to see a 8.7% increase....thank you President Biden.
  5. doublejj


    Russia cannot stop it, they have move many of their AA defenses to the Ukrainian front. Their tender underbelly has been left exposed.
  6. doublejj


    Vice-President of "Vladmirsky Standart" company and MP of Vladimir legislative assembly Pavel Antov has died after falling out of the window of hotel in Rayagada, Odisha, India
  7. doublejj


    PUTIN AND PRIGOZHIN WANT TO NATIONALISE THE ASSETS OF RUSSIAN OLIGARCHS According to analysts, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin, who is under his control, are creating conditions to nationalise the assets of oligarchs in Russia in order to continue funding the war...
  8. doublejj

    Ukrainian President Zelensky Address to Congress

    No i think Texas has a wall fetish.....
  9. doublejj

    Ukrainian President Zelensky Address to Congress

    I'd say we give Texas back to Mexico and keep Hawaii.....that would be OK. Lets just give Florida to who ever will take it
  10. doublejj

    Ukrainian President Zelensky Address to Congress

    Yes Rob STOP signs and speed limits apply to you too.....
  11. doublejj

    Gun control is coming

  12. doublejj

    Ukrainian President Zelensky Address to Congress

    how so? the only law they have broken is not submitting the proper paper work yet.
  13. doublejj

    Gun control is coming

    she was guilty of becoming a notch on that brave capitol officers Glock....she chose to violate the wrong law. F*cked around and found out
  14. doublejj

    Ukrainian President Zelensky Address to Congress

    you pick and choose which laws are ok to you're no different than an undocumented immigrant.
  15. doublejj

    Ukrainian President Zelensky Address to Congress

    The Ukrainians are volunteering to do that for us, they just need bullets.
  16. doublejj

    Ukrainian President Zelensky Address to Congress

    do you grow weed?.....if you do you're breaking federal law. what's your excuse?
  17. doublejj

    Gun control is coming

    This electric prison perimeter fence don't care if you are armed or not, and the tower guard ain't looking for weapons dead
  18. doublejj

    Gun control is coming

    i've seen prison tower guards shoot unarmed escapees off the wall and sit down and have lunch, and then go home to their wife and kids.
  19. doublejj

    Ukrainian President Zelensky Address to Congress

    Do you mean like Russia invading Ukraine and claiming it for their own?....Do boundaries mean nothing to Putin?
  20. doublejj

    Ukrainian President Zelensky Address to Congress

    Tell this to Russia....and pass Ukraine the bullets