Search results

  1. Thrall

    Before I invest in my first grow, tell me what you think of my stealth plan.

    I appreciate the honest feedback guys. I do know it will be stressful but I can handle it. Also I will be doing hydroponics so no soil and hopefully minimal mess. There is a lock on my door so that base is covered. And everyone does seem to respect everyone elses personal space and belongings...
  2. Thrall

    Before I invest in my first grow, tell me what you think of my stealth plan.

    So I live with two room mates. One of which is a conservative type who is very closed minded and has never smoked and looks down upon those who do. However, he's also been one of my best friends since I was 13 (I'm 24 now). He does not know that i have been smoking since I was about 19...
  3. Thrall

    Hi there, looking for a knowledgeable person to provide wisdom throughout my 1st grow

    I know, but I'm more looking for someone who can provide a more personal experience. Someone that I can send pictures of my setup and ideas. I'm really looking for someone who can be there to guide me and see everything that I see so the advice is consistant with my situation and I won't have...
  4. Thrall

    Hi there, looking for a knowledgeable person to provide wisdom throughout my 1st grow

    I'm looking for someone who knows about Green, Hydroponics and stealth growing. I have alot of questions and I'm kind of frightened by the whole situation. If anyone would be willing to help a noobie out with his first time grow please let me know!
  5. Thrall

    Humidifying Coins, are these good to include in jars when storing? Also, I'm new, Hi! Never heard about these until recently, anyone have any experience with these when it comes to storing or reviving?