Search results

  1. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    she could quickly pardon Joe a-la Gerald Ford and nominate Hillary as her new VP...
  2. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    If the republicans win today and impeach Joe Biden as promised this will be your next President of the United States.....
  3. doublejj

    2022 elections. The steady march for sanity continues.

    or Gavin Newsome....
  4. doublejj

    2022 elections. The steady march for sanity continues.

    or maybe Michelle Obama.....
  5. doublejj

    2022 elections. The steady march for sanity continues.

    she could immediately pardon Joe... a-la Gerald Ford and pick Hillary as her new VP....
  6. doublejj

    2022 elections. The steady march for sanity continues.

    If the republicans win today and impeach Joe Biden as promised this will be your next US President.....
  7. doublejj


  8. doublejj


    Some people have been comparing what russia is doing in Ukraine with the US actions in Iraq
  9. doublejj

    I thought this was America?

    How about a trailer that says "Rollitup" at the free BBQ?.....
  10. doublejj


  11. doublejj

    I thought this was America?

    I would vote for him again tomorrow.....
  12. doublejj

    I thought this was America?

    and trump still said nothing of value....
  13. doublejj


  14. doublejj


  15. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    not bad compared to these "peaceful" protests......
  16. doublejj


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  20. doublejj

