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  1. doublejj

    Examples of Democratic Party leadership

    California is about to become the world’s 4th largest economy
  2. doublejj

    Biden Bots

    She's right....the republicans only chance is to manipulate the voting precincts because they sure cannot win the popular vote. They have a name for this.....
  3. doublejj

    DeSantis sucks

    Florida needs workers to rebuild after Ian. Undocumented migrants are stepping in.
  4. doublejj


    These look like they are designed to stop those lightning raids by fast moving smaller vehicles that the Ukrainians have been using successfully. A modern tank could blast right thru these.
  5. doublejj

    Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

    I knew 2 old veterans that caught covid and died .....but it must have been their old war wounds that killed them. They served their purpose so f*ck them right?
  6. doublejj

    Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

    Science deniers...sheesh :roll:
  7. doublejj

    January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

    Lock him up
  8. doublejj

    Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

    Maine doctor’s license suspended over COVID-19 claims
  9. doublejj


    Trump's yearslong crusade against Ukraine has finally come home to roost as Republicans call for abandoning Kyiv
  10. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    Donald Trump is considering Marjorie Taylor Greene as his 2024 running mate
  11. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Kamala could quickly pardon Joe for any crimes the new republican majority might manifest against him & that would take the wind out of their sails and they would have nothing else to do. She would then be able to pick her replacement VP (See Gerald Ford/Nelson Rockefeller). Gavin could then...
  12. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    to own the repubs.....
  13. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    so republicans need to ask themselves....Is Biden really that bad?
  14. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Or Kamala could nominate her buddy Gavin Newsom as VP...
  15. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    If the republicans win the majority in Nov, Biden could immediately resign and let Kamala become president & she could nominate Hillary for VP....or maybe Michelle Obama.
  16. doublejj


    I hear Ukraine grows fabulous blue berries...they use the proper Russian fertilizer..
  17. doublejj


    Like Billy said this amounts to a rounding error in cost to him.
  18. doublejj

    Biden asks if deceased congresswoman is at White House event

    because trump was the alternate choice.....