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  1. doublejj


  2. doublejj


    The latest shortage to hit the Ukrainian Army is Ukrainian flags. They are liberating so much territory so fast they are running short of flags to raise....
  3. doublejj


    100,000's of Russian men fleeing their country due to mobilization. And Russia is conscripting 100'000's more indiscriminately into the army. Just imagine what the impact of this is on the Russian economy. On their ability to produce goods and services. On their shipping and transportation...
  4. doublejj


    I believe the effectiveness of Ukraine at pinpointing and eliminating Russian commanders is very telling......
  5. doublejj


    I also have a suspicion that the US has some yet undisclosed defensive systems up her sleeve. Stuff they didn't even tell trump about so he couldn't sell the info to Putin. Elon Musk has put up many (secret Gov) satellites of unknown capabilities in recent times. We may be able to control...
  6. doublejj


    Mobility is King on the battlefield. My father was a combat engineer for Patton in WW2. He told me that even though the US had larger tanks available Patton preferred the lighter faster Sherman, only in larger numbers. He believed that speed and mobility on the battlefield more valuable than the...
  7. doublejj

    Ukraine of five to be a member of NATO.

    When the soviet union broke up in 1991 Ukraine possessed the worlds 3rd largest nuclear arsenal...1,900 warheads the Budapest Memorandum When the USSR broke up in late 1991, there were nuclear weapons scattered in the resulting post-Soviet states. The George H. W. Bush administration attached...
  8. doublejj


    When the soviet union broke up in 1991 Ukraine possessed the worlds 3rd largest nuclear arsenal...1,900 warheads the Budapest Memorandum When the USSR broke up in late 1991, there were nuclear weapons scattered in the resulting post-Soviet states. The George H. W. Bush administration attached...
  9. doublejj

    Ukraine of five to be a member of NATO.

    In December 2013, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping signed a bilateral treaty and published a joint statement, where China reaffirmed that it will provide Ukraine with nuclear security guarantees upon nuclear invasion or threats of invasion.
  10. doublejj


    In December 2013, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping signed a bilateral treaty and published a joint statement, where China reaffirmed that it will provide Ukraine with nuclear security guarantees upon nuclear invasion or threats of invasion.
  11. doublejj

    Biden asks if deceased congresswoman is at White House event

    I think I will donate $20 of my dark money this year.......yes I can afford it
  12. doublejj


    Ukraine soldier on the front line.......
  13. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    On his second day in Congress, Ron DeSantis voted against a federal relief package for New York and New Jersey in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, but almost a decade later, the Florida governor's response to Hurricane Ian hitting his home state is much different...
  14. doublejj

    i bet my politician is dumber than your politician...

    so your saying there's a reason Floridians choose to live in Florida?...
  15. doublejj

    Ukraine of five to be a member of NATO.

    I read that Putin was starting to make battlefield decisions.....Russia is so f*cked.
  16. doublejj

    Ukraine of five to be a member of NATO.

    Russia can't handle Ukraine.....little own all 30 countries of NATO along the US.
  17. doublejj

    Ukraine of five to be a member of NATO.

    Putin could always give back all the property he wait that's trump i was thinking about
  18. doublejj

    Ukraine of five to be a member of NATO.

    Article 5 of the NATO charter states that an attack on any member shall be considered an attack on all....
  19. doublejj

    Cashless Society

    I will take all the useless cash off your hands that you have laying around, I don't mind the hassle. I can PM you my address...