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  1. D

    Flipping my lights to 12/12!!! Where do I take the time off???

    My current dark cycle is 130p-730p. So my question is do I just take 6 hours off the end of dark cycle, beg. of dark cycle. Or do I take 3 and 3 of each end. Or does it not matter and the cannabis will flower fine as long as it's 12 uninterrupted hours? I would like it to be 11a-11p if at all...
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    Will mylar benefit my room? Questions about mylar for my grow room.

    What do you think about the mylar? Are my walls close enough to the plants to make a difference? Or would I have to have something closer to the plants the mylar on that? Should I put it on the ceiling? Does it help with heat signatures (even though I am legal through the police, I was able...
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    Here we go! White Widow, Nothern Lights, Lemon Cake, Ak-47

    Just the reading on the the controller when I finished watering. I spend the least amount of time possible by the ballasts and the semi-jumbled mess of wires. Probably not from standing next to it. It takes a lot of breathing to carry the water up the flight of stairs. A full watering is taking...
  4. D

    Here we go! White Widow, Nothern Lights, Lemon Cake, Ak-47

    7.27 Plants were given their last plain watering before the flowering cycle begins. I am going to the grow shop tomorrow morning and I am going to purchase Advanced Nutrients Tarantula and Piranha for additional beneficial microbes. The flowering cycle is going to begin as soon as they dry from...
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    Here we go! White Widow, Nothern Lights, Lemon Cake, Ak-47

    I have an RO unit but I still let my water sit too. But I do it so the temperature of the water will equilibrate with my room temp so I am not putting 50 degree ground water into my plants and cold shocking them. ... at least I'm trying not to. Well today is the final flush before flower...
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    Here we go! White Widow, Nothern Lights, Lemon Cake, Ak-47

    Light guy nutes are going alright. The third picture is a picture of a burned plant. Either that or salt build up. There are 2 plants that are like this; the one I took a picture of and the smallest 3 leaf AK plant. However both 3 leaf AK's are so incredibly small that I am having fears that my...
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    Here we go! White Widow, Nothern Lights, Lemon Cake, Ak-47

    7.25 just a few pics more pics... I think the leaf tips is a salt build up those plants ...have been flushed and will be flushed again on next water if leaf tips continue to worsen. But here is an update...
  8. D

    Here we go! White Widow, Nothern Lights, Lemon Cake, Ak-47

    I think it was a false alarm on the insects....I dumped all those lady bugs on my room and by the end of the day they were crawling on the ceiling and windows looking for a way to get out. So there must not have been any tasty morsels on the plants. They leaves under review had little slits that...
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    Here we go! White Widow, Nothern Lights, Lemon Cake, Ak-47

    7.23 sorry about the double posts I'm using a laptop from 2004 until this is done then maybe I will upgrade ;). I saw some leafs with some holes in them on two plants that are close to each other. I hope I don't have the beginning of an infestation. They look like puncture wounds so I went out...
  10. D

    Here we go! White Widow, Nothern Lights, Lemon Cake, Ak-47

    --the plants, he couldn't believe that the aroma was just from plants vegging. correction -- plants were switched to 18/6 on 7.21 Question: When I switch to 12/12 if the dark cycle is 2pm-8pm do I make the new dark period 11am-11pm , 2pm-2am, or 8am-8pm? --on a shelf... and I put my carbon...
  11. D

    Here we go! White Widow, Nothern Lights, Lemon Cake, Ak-47

    --the plants, he couldn't believe that the aroma was just from plants vegging. correction -- plants were switched to 18/6 on 7.21 Question: When I switch to 12/12 if the dark cycle is 2pm-8pm do I make the new dark period 11am-11pm , 2pm-2am, or 8am-8pm? --on a shelf... and I put my carbon...
  12. D

    Here we go! White Widow, Nothern Lights, Lemon Cake, Ak-47

    My girl friend took her camera so I can't post any pictures 'til she comes back from vacation but I have been doing some work. 7.21 I installed that the green inline fan into the loop to increase the air speed in the hoods on the right. This fan is blowing through the hoods while the larger 8...
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    Doc Greenthumbs Cinderrella 99 Harvest and Smoke report

    c99 is great! look at those buds! great grow. Looks like you ended up with some great medicine
  14. D

    Here we go! White Widow, Nothern Lights, Lemon Cake, Ak-47

    A full view pic and I upgraded my res. to 100 L and I put a pump with stones capable of treating 600 gal of water/hour with oxygen. Ahh yea
  15. D

    Here we go! White Widow, Nothern Lights, Lemon Cake, Ak-47

    7.17 prep day Ventilation holes were drilled and lights were hung for exhaust. Plants were flushed with 3-4 L of water; the runoff was around 5.8 pH of the water has always been 6.3. Is this a problem. I did buy the beneficial mycorrhizae (soil) and bacteria (voodoo juice) would they cause the...
  16. D

    Here we go! White Widow, Nothern Lights, Lemon Cake, Ak-47

    Temperature 71-78 F; RH 45-50%. The power did go out... luckily I was in the middle of watering my plants and I was able to pull my ballast out of the socket before they tried to restart to quickly (Magnetic ballasts). Green lights were installed to continue working in the dark while the bulbs...
  17. D

    Here we go! White Widow, Nothern Lights, Lemon Cake, Ak-47

    Temperature 71-78 F; RH 45-50%. The power did go out... luckily I was in the middle of watering my plants and I was able to pull my ballast out of the socket before they tried to restart to quickly (Magnetic ballasts). Green lights were installed to continue working in the dark while the bulbs...
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    Here we go! White Widow, Nothern Lights, Lemon Cake, Ak-47

    7.15 plants were watered with at least 2L of water pH 6.4, ppm <100. This is a part of my feed water water cylce. There is a thunderstorm today 20 MPH gust, I hope the power doesn't go out :(
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    Here we go! White Widow, Nothern Lights, Lemon Cake, Ak-47

    smaller plants were positioned in more direct sunlight
  20. D

    Some of my new growth looks funky to me??

    temp fluxtuates between 71-79 with RH at 39-45...osb sucks the shit out of it... on nice days it stays 70-74 but these past few days it has been getting as high as 79.5 its peak. I know there are some seriously twisted leaves on some lower leaves but I believe that was because they weren't...