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  1. doublejj

    Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

  2. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    Ok, if I get to decide what's in your gun cabinet.
  3. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    You ain't paying for sh*t. These are womens rights. The removal of basic personal rights between a woman and her dr is not sitting well with the majority of women, they may have poked a sleeping dragon.
  4. doublejj

    Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

    good luck with that...trump will suck all the life out of the republican party...Mitch McConnell knows it..
  5. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    just don't interfere with what a woman and her highly educated Professional Doctor decide is best for her health, and not some elected politician.
  6. doublejj

    Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

    If trump runs in 2024 it will likely help the democrats with anti-trump voter turnout. Wyoming is a good example. Wyoming is one of the reddest of red states. And Liz Cheney (who's leading the investigation into trump and Jan6) still got 28% of the republican vote, even though they knew she...
  7. doublejj

    Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

    Liz Cheney vows to unseat Republicans who support Trump's "big lie" Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) intends to use her new political organization to combat the campaigns of Republicans who support former President Donald Trump and his unfounded claims around the 2020 election, Cheney told ABC's "This...
  8. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    a rapist can sue for parental rights in many of these red states thanks to the USSC, and women have 0 rights to an abortion.
  9. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    pregnant men are already protected by this sh*tty supreme court, it's women who are getting the pun intended
  10. doublejj

    E Bike input

    Should have gone for the trike......;)
  11. doublejj

    MOTORCYCLES - riders post here.

    PSA, all motorcycle riders: Please sign your donor card, thank you Signed, AARP
  12. doublejj

    Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

  13. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    Now Just keep repeating that in the mirror.....
  14. doublejj

    Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

    Does It Matter What (If Anything) Trump Declassified? No criminal charges have yet been filed against Trump or anyone else in relation to the Mar-a-Lago files. But if and when that happens, Trump’s declassification defense is unlikely to solve his or his associates’ legal problems. While Trump...
  15. doublejj

    Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

    Yeah 1 Russian Ruble equals 0.017 United States Dollar
  16. doublejj

    AR-15 stands for assault rifle 15

    so do gun laws apply to everyone?
  17. doublejj

    AR-15 stands for assault rifle 15

    Do you mean gun laws don't apply to white democrats?...
  18. doublejj

    Should free speech apply to those who don't hate Whites?

    It's got to be for clicks....he must get paid for clicks. No other explanation.
  19. doublejj

    Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

    trumps is getting more deranged by the minute, I'm glad the FBI retrieved the stolen US documents before he was able to get ride of them, he did try to hide them and that's a crime also.
  20. doublejj

    Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

    the documents ARE stolen US property....