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  1. doublejj

    The problem with libs/dems

    Two sexist drunk russians talking to themselves.....:wall:
  2. doublejj

    The problem with libs/dems

    and universal healthcare and free school lunches....
  3. doublejj

    The problem with libs/dems

    it's odd that you don't think the mans consent to have sex is the beginning...
  4. doublejj

    The problem with libs/dems

  5. doublejj

    The problem with libs/dems

    women have been held responsible since the 15th century. I the interest of equality it's the mans turn to be responsible....lets keep it even
  6. doublejj

    The problem with libs/dems

  7. doublejj

    The problem with libs/dems

    a mans sperm has caused 100% of all unwanted pregnancies...= men cause unwanted pregnancy
  8. doublejj

    The problem with libs/dems

    keep it closed = no babies
  9. doublejj

    The problem with libs/dems

    men have all the tools necessary to prevent unwanted pregnancy.....a zipper. If they chose to not use safety measures like a simple zipper, they are responsible..
  10. doublejj

    The problem with libs/dems

    Let the punishment fit the crime....lock men up for being a menace to society by causing an unwanted pregnancy..
  11. doublejj

    The problem with libs/dems

    zip it up.....problem solved
  12. doublejj

    The problem with libs/dems

    That's like saying let the DUI victim live with the drunk driver that hit them....go home your drunk
  13. doublejj

    The problem with libs/dems

    Equality?...Woman have been held responsible for getting pregnant for centuries. Lets hold the man responsible for the next 2000 years and call it even. = Equality
  14. doublejj

    The problem with libs/dems

    Lock these men up that are causing unwanted pregnancy due to their lack of self control......that will take care of it. No different that getting behind the wheel when you know you have been drinking. They chose to put it in knowing the risk. We lock up drunk drivers for being a menace to...
  15. doublejj

    The problem with libs/dems

    randy men cause unwanted pregnancy.....she couldn't do it by herself. Men are the weaklink. It should be illegal for a man to have sex with a woman until he's 100% financially responsible. Lock these horny little f*ckers up and watch how fast unwanted pregnancy goes away
  16. doublejj

    The problem with libs/dems

    if they hand these out in high school we wouldn't have any unwanted pregnancy's...
  17. doublejj

    The problem with libs/dems

    If a man ejaculates in a woman and she gets pregnant it's 100% the mans fault. She would have been just as happy getting her jollies without his sperm. If men would just learn self control this would never happen. unwanted pregnancy is not a woman's fault it's the mans fault. If he has no self...
  18. doublejj

    The new Gun Bill..

    Last fall at the Emerald Cup in NorCal people stood in line and paid $500 to $1000 per clone to get their hands on the latest Instagram strain to drop at the Cup. Everythings purple and frosty
  19. doublejj

    The new Gun Bill..

    In Cali right now if it ain't purple and frosty it ain't sellin'...
  20. doublejj

    The new Gun Bill..

    I think of us as more of a micro-brewery maybe we can still find our niche....