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  1. Dr.Botany

    Isn’t this signs of being male or pre flower?

    It might if its a male, i would take it out of your grow room and put it under a different light until you know for sure
  2. Dr.Botany

    Isn’t this signs of being male or pre flower?

    Not saying theyre calyxes for sure, but they could be new growth of leaves starting in a weird place sometimes waiting is thw best idea so your not throwing a good plant out
  3. Dr.Botany

    Isn’t this signs of being male or pre flower?

    Not necessarily a male buddy, wait a week or so to see if it springs out hairs. I thought the same thing my last grow, threw all of them out but one, realized they were just calyxs
  4. Dr.Botany

    Anyone know what this problem is?

    Are you sure? It looks white to me? Not saying your wrong though
  5. Dr.Botany

    What is going on here with my leaves??

    Your welcome, my friend. If anything else pops up just post it up:bigjoint:
  6. Dr.Botany

    Anyone know what this problem is?

    If it rubs off, then is a mildew/mold Hows your humidity?
  7. Dr.Botany

    What is going on here with my leaves??

    Oh i didnt put the two together. I read that you were gonna flip em in 12 days.. my bad haha. Then yeah its apart of flowering, especially if your flipping the nutes to flower aswell, just make sure that your new growth doesnt do that
  8. Dr.Botany

    What is going on here with my leaves??

    If the yellowing isnt traveling up your plant then dont worry about it, it happens. Now if it is a deficiency then add whatever it needs. But dont slowly start upping your nutes, just change them up a bit woth thw same mesurments, Ita harder to fix a deficiency than a toxicity
  9. Dr.Botany

    Anyone know what this problem is?

    Does it rub off??
  10. Dr.Botany

    Open Show and Tell 2017-18

    Lookin good bud:bigjoint:
  11. Dr.Botany

    Ole Lady Bug Ole Lady Bug

    Thats cool man! Look into making your plants a good enviorment for that little guy and try getting her to stay. They help quite a bit with other annoying ass bugs. Anyways, good looking plant. Have fun growing my man
  12. Dr.Botany

    Whats Wrong with my plant?

    A little bit of nitrogen toxicity? I dont see a whole lot wrong with her, other than the tip if your leaves curled down. What do you mean whats wrong?
  13. Dr.Botany

    Just flipped these! What do you think?

    Fuckin A dude! Those are lookin very nice! Props
  14. Dr.Botany

    G13 Haze Foxtail. What should I do?

    Thats some good looking finished product, my friend.
  15. Dr.Botany

    G13 Haze Foxtail. What should I do?

    Thats a very minor case of foxtailing, i wouldnt worry. Ive seen flowering plants grow 5, 6 ft tall with almost no bud on the main cola. But if you can, just try lowering those temps a little bit
  16. Dr.Botany


    Its not flowering, shes just showing you her sex. Definitely normal
  17. Dr.Botany

    Watering mistakes..

    If this plant is just an experiment, i would do everthing that you read ie. Pruning. Just to find out for yourself if it helps or not. But it is gonna be difficult if its not a female, because you wont be able to see what the buds will actually look like after everthing you do to it
  18. Dr.Botany

    Watering mistakes..

    Thats what i was referring to, my man. Those bottom buds wont matter, if your looking for all colas. Now, pruning is stressfull on plants but can be done efficiently.. Take two or three bottom buds off everday until you get where you want to be.
  19. Dr.Botany

    What do you think about this light?

    This is defenitly better advice if your wanting to do everthing right. if you start on a budget, youll most likey end up spending more money than expected But i have grown good crops on a tight budget
  20. Dr.Botany

    What do you think about this light?

    Oh i didnt take in consideration that you were on a budget. But you can find used hoods and ballasts for pretty cheap, just be careful on what you buy, ask alot of questions (if thats the route your gonna take) youll be paying more for the bulbs. I first started off growing inside by finding a...