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  1. TheCauf

    She rdy ? MWS jack

    Are you flushing for 1 or 2 weeks? I've read 2 works better but I haven't tried it
  2. TheCauf

    Any Leeway with Curing?

    Last grown I just made concentrates so I didn't bother drying and curing. I work so can I get away with maybe 24hrs lids on 3-4 off instead of 12hrs on or would that run the risk of mold too high? I have boveda packs for stash jars I'm sure I could use two in a quart jar, any thoughts?
  3. TheCauf

    Grand Daddy Purple autoflower. Pics

    Not challenging you, just wondering why that is?
  4. TheCauf

    Just starting out

    Growing the herb is similar to growing tomatoes and peppers because of the plant chemistry. I've only had one harvest so far, but I'd stay away from liquid nutrients mainly for the price. JR Peters is cheap and is loaded with macro and micro nutes so you won't be forced to buy a bunch of...
  5. TheCauf

    Quick Grow

    Day 1 Veg: 250w CFL 2700K, coco coir and perlite for the substrate, leca on top to not destroy the soil when watering (I got some mad shaky hands) and it helps the soil stay moist a little longer. I'll be using Jack'S Citrus feed, bloom booster, a little AN additives I have left over. My main...
  6. TheCauf

    I did it with Jacks!

    Could you use that in conjunction with bloom booster or their tomato feed? I like the higher K during later flower and a little citrus just for the sulfur
  7. TheCauf

    Jack hydro or GH?

    i use Jack'S citrus feed and bloom bootsterbin my coco grows but I want to try hydro because I feel it'll be easier to maintain when doing a scrog. I'm good at reading my girls and feeding them what they want, but with running a RDWC it looks easier just to follow a schedule. Any opinions on...
  8. TheCauf

    Scrog help

    I just got done setting it all up, I've only grown once and I found a bag seed in an ounce so I figured I'd flip it after 3-4 weeks. Just trying to make some bubble, it's been in my windowsill for a few days but I'm considering this day one. Coco coir and perlite for the substrate and the leca...
  9. TheCauf

    Scrog help

    Whats up everyone, I'm setting my tent back up and I want to try scrog. My tent is a 32x32 is that too small for a screen? Also do I just LST throughout veg, then tuck in flower? I've read you need the plant to be 7" tall to be a real scrog otherwise its more of a screen supporting the plants...
  10. TheCauf

    Looking for a finer micron screen

    I just purchased a Cali Crusher Homegrown grinder and I absolutely love it, EXCEPT for the fact the only thing wrong with it is the biggest issue for me. Does anyone know where you can get a superfine micron screen to put in it? It's the 2.5" one not the pocket. The green one is my CC, the black...
  11. TheCauf

    Anyone use Jack's nutrients?

    I was asking if I should use the citrusfed until I see preflowers then switch
  12. TheCauf

    Anyone use Jack's nutrients?

    I'm going to grow an auto for my next grow so would I start with citrusfed and wait until I see flowers or when it shows preflowers then switch to bloom booster?
  13. TheCauf

    Just making sure I'm on track

    That's how I originally did it, it was started in a 5 gal smart pot, but it was hard to tell when to water for me so I put it in a smaller one and boom she looked like she kicked. Hopefully with experience I develope my own little method of starting seedlings. That's what the coolest part about...
  14. TheCauf

    Just making sure I'm on track

    It's a 250watt and I had it about 5 inches away. I replanted it into a smaller container and came in the next day to find it bent over and looked dead. Maybe it could have been saved idk but I got pissed and restarted. Germinating my last Great White Shark seed now
  15. TheCauf

    Seedling discoloration

    Yea I am now, it still has that brownish yellow on the first set of true leaves though. The perlite is MG so it has some nutrients in it already so there's no way it could be that this early on
  16. TheCauf

    Seedling discoloration

    Coco and perlite, I used about 50ml of tap water when I saw it sprout and have been misting it once a day
  17. TheCauf

    Seedling discoloration

    I have a feeling it's overwatering just because that's all I've done to it so far. Going to try and read it through out this whole grow instead of following a schedule so hopefully it's easy with seedlings. I only have grown house plants before but I've read about cannabis for the passed 2-3 years.
  18. TheCauf

    Seedling discoloration

    It's a very faint brownish yellow right on the new growth
  19. TheCauf

    Seedling discoloration

    Is this normal? This is day three since it broke the surface.
  20. TheCauf

    Just making sure I'm on track

    I'm only on day three of veg, so it could just be first grow anticipation but I wanted to make sure. Pictures I've seen of seedlings grow really fast and I feel like I'm behind the ball.