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  1. iw720

    Leaves dying from bottom up help!

    that what i mixed micro is the second and floragrow is the third ( half of streng is 1/2 teaspoon).... i started light dosage over again cause i burnt the sh*t out of them last time . like i said earlyer , when i burnt them i only gave them 1 teaspoon per gallon of flora grow and flora micro...
  2. iw720

    Leaves dying from bottom up help!

    Finally got home yesterday....plants are not doing so bad, they survived..... i gave them half of streng of micro and bloom(half of teaspoon per gallon) , 1 teaspoon per gallon of calimagic and ph at 6.20 .... im gonna start easy on the feeding.12 hours in the dark ,change schedule for 12-12 and...
  3. iw720

    Leaves dying from bottom up help!

    i will look into th i will look into dat .. tx
  4. iw720

    Leaves dying from bottom up help!

    yes i will thank bud . cause when i water them i put just over a liter but i didnt have that 20 % of run off i only had roughly 10%... so there probably a buildup into the pot so i will flush them when i get back home ... and after the flush for the recovery, should i lower the light intensity...
  5. iw720

    Leaves dying from bottom up help!

    its calimagic from general hydroponic and yes i do have the 3rd part when i get back home in 7 days i will change the light and put them into darkness for 36h and change schedule for 12-12 .. am i right?
  6. iw720

    Leaves dying from bottom up help!

    when i started feeding them , i gave them half of the streng of "mild vegetative"(1/2) tablespoon per gallon of flora grow and micro once a week for 2 weeks and then the third week i gave them 1tablespoon of grow and micro .... and then i burnt them .... that what it says on the lable in the...
  7. iw720

    Leaves dying from bottom up

    perfect that what i want .. mine were droopy but it look like they went up a bit! im using floramicro... when u say " only need to feed twice" , do you mean twice for its whole life?
  8. iw720

    Leaves dying from bottom up

    i agree thx
  9. iw720

    Leaves dying from bottom up

    yes i will start adding nutes again half of the streng next time i will water
  10. iw720

    Leaves dying from bottom up

    little question on top of that... do i need to add calmag + every watering?
  11. iw720

    Leaves dying from bottom up help!

    a little update...i stopped the nute and im gonna keep it like this for a lil while .. they are recovering i think !!
  12. iw720

    Leaves dying from bottom up

    i stopped the nutes and im gonna keep it like this for a lil while .. they are recovering i think !!
  13. iw720

    Leaves dying from bottom up

    i think that i found the problem... due that im away from home for 3 weeks every month, i fill jugs of water (with a ph of 6.30) for my wife so she can water my plant , the jug sit there until she use them... so the ph change....i think that is the problem.. is that possible?
  14. iw720

    Leaves dying from bottom up

    yes i will!
  15. iw720

    Leaves dying from bottom up help!

    nkw i think my problem is the ph cause i didnt know that the ph could change when the water is just sitting in the jug
  16. iw720

    Leaves dying from bottom up help!

    yes i will... i have some seafood ferts i will try it out and i will also drop the light intensivity
  17. iw720

    Leaves dying from bottom up help!

    ohh i didnt know about the ph.. i will get some calmag and see if its help thank for your help bud
  18. iw720

    Leaves dying from bottom up help!

    light schedule is 18-6 .. i keep the fan going 24hand i alway check 2" deep in the soil with my finger to see if its dry before watering--- ph is alway 6.30 ... my wife take care of my plants for 2 week (cause i work out of the province) so i alway fill 4-5 big jugs of water with a ph of 6.30 ...
  19. iw720

    Leaves dying from bottom up help!

    water them every 3 day