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  1. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    Uber partners with Hertz to offer 50,000 Tesla rentals to U.S. ride-hail drivers
  2. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    Detroit has been predicting Tesla's demise for many many years. Tesla was doomed in Tesla share prices were $300...should have bought then
  3. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    sub humans.....
  4. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    those aren't people.....sub humans
  5. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

  6. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    The French........
  7. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    those ford reservations are fully refundable.
  8. doublejj


    It’s a “significant and solemn day” in the B.C. healthcare sector, as thousands of workers are placed on unpaid leave for refusing to get vaccinated. Tuesday also marks the day that employees of care homes who refused the vaccine will be formally terminated in the wake of a similar mandate in...
  9. doublejj

    What did you accomplish today?

    Yosemite falls before & after the storm....
  10. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    Tesla will sell every truck they can build...
  11. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    over a million people disagree....
  12. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    the tesla cybertruck was designed to replace the best selling vehicle in America; the 1/2 ton pickup...F150
  13. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    the only thing keeping the lights on at GM & Ford are Government subsidies to fossil fuel industry. Without Gov handouts they would be closed today.....we keep propping them up.
  14. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    Tesla has over a million pre orders for the Cybertruck...
  15. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    fossil fuel is dead....good luck to GM but i don't see investors dumping billions into GM. They are a dinosaur 10 years behind Tesla. You don't have to believe me, ask investors. Auto industry investors have voted.....Tesla rules
  16. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    Elon Musk has never tried to overthrow the government...and he has contributed more to saving our planet from the fossil fuel industry than the U.S. Government..
  17. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    i never said i would vote for him...but he rules the auto industry
  18. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    solar power is taking over the sea........Tesla of the sea
  19. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    investors believe that Musk is on the right track....and 10 years ahead of the competition.
  20. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...
