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  1. Dryxi

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    2 years from the beginning of the EUA, so Jan 2023ish?
  2. Dryxi

    Examples of Democratic Party leadership

    They weren't asked to resign for being high while working, how is it affecting their professionalism if they drink while off work? I mean smoke. More like they just didn't want to change the rules yet, has little to do with professionalism.
  3. Dryxi

    Examples of Democratic Party leadership

    By stating tax cuts can't happen or you pay it back simply means states that already planned to do tax cuts (states right) no longer can or they do not get the federal funds. It's overreach at that point. If they still gave the states the money, designating where the funds have to go for...
  4. Dryxi

    Examples of Democratic Party leadership

    Makes good sense for them to challenge that especially if they were already plans to do tax cuts. They shouldn't have pay the fed back.... the fed is using the everyone's money, everyone's state deserves some to assist however the state needs
  5. Dryxi

    Pandemic 2020

    Even employers have a decision to make there. The government is unwilling to take the liability and license the vaccines, the vaccine makers are unwilling to take liability for a vaccine they created, if my boss forces me to get the vaccine or be fired, are they not liable if I get sick from it...
  6. Dryxi

    Pandemic 2020

    Gonna have to agree to disagree on what Biden will do there. The government already gave the vaccine makers 0 liability for these vaccines, if Biden changes the rule to make it mandatory, who becomes liable if something goes wrong? What happens to future efforts to vaccinate the population if a...
  7. Dryxi

    Pandemic 2020

    Hmm under EUA (emergency use authorization) the vaccines cannot be mandatory, so let's wait on your predictions. The EUA is set to stand for 2 years to allow these vaccine companies time to collect enough data for actual licensing.
  8. Dryxi

    Senate Radical Righties Voted Down $1.9T Covid Rescue Bill

    On a radical note, there was a couple million dollars allocated to items that sound pretty unrelated to the pandemic
  9. Dryxi

    Building Derek Gilman's Automated Curing System
  10. Dryxi

    January 6th, 2021

    Considering how Presidents can simply write a book to become millionaires (if they weren't already), hard to have faith in financial ruin
  11. Dryxi

    What size/brand quantam board for a 4x4 veg tent? Not too much fantasy LED and HPS are better in different situations. They are not the same watt for watt. Keyword is different, not better.
  12. Dryxi

    The second impeachment of Donald trump*

    That wasn't already legitimized long before 1/6?
  13. Dryxi

    The second impeachment of Donald trump*

    Makes sense. News automatically means we should only be given bias commentary, and only if it fits the narrative. Dems should be just as upset a Democratic Governor decided to hide information from his own Senate. Trust in politics is pretty low across this country. Situations like this make it...
  14. Dryxi

    The second impeachment of Donald trump*

    On the note of impeachment, ever notice the news wants us to trust them, but they nit pick what is considered news? Somehow, Gov Cuomo performing a blatant coverup and his aide confirming it to Democratic leadership in Albany is not news worthy.
  15. Dryxi

    They got the second amendment

    But that is simply regarding the CAD files, the actual production isn't explicitly illegal. Requires metal to be detectable, even the serial plate isn't "required" if you use something else as your metal piece. The files themselves isn't illegal either, distributing them is
  16. Dryxi

    They got the second amendment
  17. Dryxi

    They got the second amendment

    I think the rule is that it must be detected by a metal detector, so you have to put a metal plate in it. It's illegal without metal, so a fully printed nonmetal gun isn't allowed
  18. Dryxi

    They got the second amendment

    There are *estimated* almost 400 million non-registered firearms in the USA. How does a country enforce a rule to convince those owners to register their weapons? They are not registered.... we don't know where they are. Even if the entire gun manufacturing trade was shut down tomorrow, we would...
  19. Dryxi

    They got the second amendment

    Add fines and jailtime; I am sure we can convince everyone to say no to guns. *sarcasm It's a proven method especially when that prohibited something is common and increasingly covers larger demographics every year. We can't even say it's just gun-toting hillbillies that have guns, urban gun...
  20. Dryxi

    Foreign misinformation machine

    Also not healthy to assume everything is. I assume you only receive your news from non-narrative based or biased sources? I can't really defend the Hill, or the channel I shared. The analyst soundbite attempting to say foreign misinformation is the cause of this situation, was humorous.