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  1. Dryxi

    Companies are entitled to make vaccination a condition of employment.

    We will see how many decide to do that vs specific industries. Many places now work from home, doubtful they require vaccinations, but we will see.
  2. Dryxi

    My message to the Trump cult: It makes perfect sense that Biden got the most votes in the history of American elections.

    And the 3rd party voters (conservative 3rd party) that made the run offs possible? Do we assume they will change course to vote in a blue Senate? We def can agree to disagree. We will have to see. I think your at least a few years in the future before the state goes full blue
  3. Dryxi

    My message to the Trump cult: It makes perfect sense that Biden got the most votes in the history of American elections.

    Thats echo chamber talk. Its much more median than that. Trumpers are loud but don't represent the majority of people who have been around the party longer than 4 years. Even the senators who were complicit with Trump have been there longer than 4 years. Republicans loudly support Trump, but...
  4. Dryxi

    My message to the Trump cult: It makes perfect sense that Biden got the most votes in the history of American elections.

    Videos like that are doubtful to sway Republicans to vote blue. It plays on the idea all these Republicans (many old enough to have been such for decades) are diehard Trumper vs converting possible control of the Senate to Dems. Literally the narrative in conservative Trumper groups is "if you...
  5. Dryxi

    Proud Boys assaulting a couple for ~90 seconds nsfw

    We all fail a test sometimes. Should've studied harder. Lesson learned lol
  6. Dryxi

    My message to the Trump cult: It makes perfect sense that Biden got the most votes in the history of American elections.

    Donald is in the rear view, and hopefully Mitch keeps him there. Good chance him not on the ballot will keep infrequent Democrats from going to the voting booth. I don't think the Republican party is dying, its changing for sure. If anything, the infighting leads to a stronger party especially...
  7. Dryxi

    My message to the Trump cult: It makes perfect sense that Biden got the most votes in the history of American elections.

    If I had to bet money, Trumps attacks on the election will have galvanized many more Republicans to vote in the run offs vs the other side. My expectation is our country goes through another 4 years of crap congress. Edit: I think 4 years might be a little long, there's another vote in 2 years...
  8. Dryxi

    My message to the Trump cult: It makes perfect sense that Biden got the most votes in the history of American elections.

    Republicans voted Trump out themselves. There is a reason seats were gained in the House by Republicans and yet Trump lost in those same areas. People recognized he is bad for the country and voted him out on both sides. I have a strong feeling Trump beat himself vs Biden beat Trump. There was a...
  9. Dryxi

    Proud Boys assaulting a couple for ~90 seconds nsfw

    The parties are still run by rich white guys, but now include rich white women as well. Have you not seen politics happen in the workplace before? It is a human nature thing not party line. They do it, same as everyone who isn't a politician does it to get ahead in their workplace. I find it...
  10. Dryxi

    Proud Boys assaulting a couple for ~90 seconds nsfw

    How long has it been a battle between Republicans and Democrats? A pretty long time (100+ years). I am sure only one side is corrupt and the power struggle hasn't led to corruption on all sides. To assume only one side is corrupt, plays favors, or helps themselves secure more power/influence...
  11. Dryxi

    Are we getting Rabies tags or a doctors note?

    Private Companies have the right to mandate vaccines, but will they risk losing good employees over it? How many businesses rely on a specific couple people to organize their business on the daily. Many of those positions could potentially have the many of the people not rushing to this vaccine...
  12. Dryxi

    Are we getting Rabies tags or a doctors note?

    This idea of needing to show vaccine cards or something as proof of vaccination to do the majority of activities is not realistic. Privacy laws that have protected anti-vaxxers forever still apply. They won't change those for a virus that much of the country still thinks poses little threat...
  13. Dryxi

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    I am doubtful even a Biden administration will make it mandatory to have a vaccine card for all social functions. This country gets pretty upset over lockdowns, imagine if we needed a vaccine card more than a passport lol
  14. Dryxi

    BRRWAKING NEWS: If You're Allergic to Food, Medicine or Other Vaccines.. "It is understood both staff members have a significant history of allergic reactions - to the extent where they need to carry an adrenaline auto...
  15. Dryxi

    Lloyd Austin -Biden's pick for Secretary of Defense.

    The issue with him recently leaving Active duty and then joining the board of Raytheon (major defense company) is real. I know they let Mattis on with an exemption to the rule, but just because they did there, should it continue? The position is for a civilian to have a say in our military, is...
  16. Dryxi

    Police Interactions.

    Couple 'defunding' at the state level with Congress addressing the scope of Qualified Immunity for police and maybe we see the force get better. Hard to fix bad conduct when it can be shielded and unless it goes viral, it didn't happen.
  17. Dryxi

    Biden Shanked The Progs

    or maybe it is a willingness to accept something might be true regardless of said facts (idk what conspiracy we are talking about but still)
  18. Dryxi

    Police Interactions.

    Police need a way to be charged for costing taxpayers money for their mistakes. Qualified immunity and taxpayers picking up the tab is not a very good way to discourage bad decisions. Make cops take out job insurance on themselves, open the door to citizens suing cops for misconduct and let...
  19. Dryxi

    National Popular Vote because it's the President of the United States...

    If the President and Congress had less power over the happenings within the states, it wouldn't be such an issue. The President is elected to represent everyone, not just rural or urban areas. They shouldn't have (or be able to use easily) the power to change our lives every 4 years. that should...
  20. Dryxi

    Pandemic 2020

    sounds more authoritarian than Trump :/