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  1. Dryxi

    Worms leaving?

    I am assuming since it is a small % of the total i put in there that are escaping to their deaths, they are just figuring out the space. If it was an actual issue, I am guessing i would be finding a lot more than 10-20 worms outside the bed. It is looking like the running has slowed down as well...
  2. Dryxi

    HELP BUGS IN SOIL!? Ants, potatoe bugs, and centipedes in my soil....

    The diatomaceous earth will work good. Really just keep your eye on em. Your plants are outside so bugs are expected to make an appearance at some point.
  3. Dryxi

    Worms leaving?

    Hey guys, I have a 4x4 planter bed in my grow room and I added 5,000 red wigglers about two weeks ago. Also added blumat irrigation. I dont have any issues with flooding or overly soaked soil under the drippers. Thing is it looks like 10-20 worms are trying to escape the bed every night and...
  4. Dryxi

    Soil tests are back, and Houston we have a problem.

    That's a good article! Thanks! Something it did mention was that citric acid is a chelating agent for heavy metals, and cannabis is an accumulator plant. The article was largely about chelating heavy metals for plants to uptake for contaminated soil remediation.
  5. Dryxi

    Soil tests are back, and Houston we have a problem.

    Lemon juice will acidify the soil water. Maybe it will acidify the actual soil slightly, until more regular water washes it out. It is not going to work the same as elemental sulfur or the such. "The bioactive compounds contained in lemon (Citrus limon) each have an antibacterial [13]. Lemon...
  6. Dryxi

    6 X 6 how to get 3lbs

    I put my grow room in the shed. If you have the money, good insulation is worth it. I paid for it (1100$) to have closed cell spf sprayed on all the walls and roof of my shed. I had 82 degree weather the other day and my temps had 0 changes from colder weather (I also have a minisplit/70 point...
  7. Dryxi

    Anyone know of a reputable grow room designer for small scale?

    A lot of people here can give you good advice to build the best room but as far as someone to draw you a blueprint type deal sounds like a consultant, which is probably here somewhere. If you want to, ask questions tell us about your space (room size, budget, etc) and we can help you. Plenty of...
  8. Dryxi

    Weed by bon fire

    If its summer or about to be for you, dont worry about it. You can mess with the light cycle during veg. If not, I do not think it will cause you many issues for one day of messed up light. The plant should continue on like normal, unless you got a finicky plant
  9. Dryxi

    bodhi seeds

    Has anyone done f2 with silver mountain? Are f2s in general just all over the place with variation? Never done it but curious
  10. Dryxi

    Why Different Effect From Same Strain? Very Confsed.

    Same strain but different plants. Could be different phenotypes of the same strain. Also different companies (without looking then up) could go about making their concentrate differently etc. Most of cannabis isn't completely uniform across a strain, so different plants can give different...
  11. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    Alright so consider this a new journal. I have finished my outdoor grow shed (∆ Outdoor Shed Conversion ∆) The last cycle was run in a poorly insulated room, where I ran a simple exhausted tent and a small 2x2 ebb and flow. Found out I do not like hydro. It was honestly too much with the...
  12. Dryxi


    Too low for both veg and flower Look up the term VPD and cannabis. It will influence your decision about the common advice of 45-55% etc. Your humidity is dependent on your temperature and the plants actually enjoy a higher rh%. You'll grow good weed either way, but remember VPD for the future
  13. Dryxi

    Outdoor shed conversion

    Well the room is finished! I wish I had more headspace, but it is what it is. Still have more to do but the room is finished and i am ready to use it. If anyone has any suggestions or anything, please give em to me. Thanks for all the suggestions and help I've already been given! Complete view...
  14. Dryxi

    Companion planting?

    I grow with cover crops. I have found dill works great to keep some pests away? As well as found spider mites love red clover, which is a good thing because I use the clover as a indicator plant to let me know when I have a problem. Same idea works with many different pests
  15. Dryxi

    4 by 8 tent problems

    What is your temps like outside the tent during lights off? If it isnt too cold outside the tent when lights out, you can continue to run the exhaust to keep humidity lower after lights out. When the temp cools in your tent after the lights go out, rh% goes up.
  16. Dryxi

    New grow room need help thinking.

    Have you looked at SIP planters or blumats for automated irrigation? You can cover the window with plywood, cut a hole for ducting to exhaust through and seal up the edges of the wood. Not sure how you want to seperate the rooms, but an intake fan to bring air through the separation, and a...
  17. Dryxi

    converting a shed to a grow room

    The drain question is dependent on how your growing. Drains are nice, but not necessary. I am converting a shed to a grow room as well and plan to add a drain in the future but there is no rush. I plan to have my water res outside the shed and a container under my plants filled with growstones...
  18. Dryxi

    Skunklords "Appalachia Guerilla Invasion".. Season#1 2020

    Sounds like a lot of work ahead of you! Excited to see how it all works out for you!
  19. Dryxi

    Anybody use the spider farmer sf600? Only 15 watts less than the sf1000

    I give you one grow before the thought hits you... "what if I just bought another 2x2 tent for veg?" Then comes the, "ya know what, I got another closet upstairs that noone uses, time to try a perpetual grow with 2 flower tents."
  20. Dryxi

    I've got some mould on my leaves ........

    *Australia banned the use of carbendazim, a common fungicide, on pome fruit (apples and pears), turf and other horticultural crops, including orange trees, in 2010 because of birth defects and male infertility in laboratory animals.Oct 24, 2013 *Carbendazim is a degradation product of the...