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  1. doublejj


    is there a simple vaccine that will prevent Heart disease or Cancer deaths?....
  2. doublejj

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    1 in every 500 US residents have died of Covid-19
  3. doublejj


    1 in every 500 US residents have died of Covid-19 The United States has reached another grim milestone in its fight against the devastating Covid-19 pandemic: 1 in 500 Americans have died from coronavirus since the nation's first reported infection...
  4. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    Tesla has over 1 million Cybertruck reservations in latest tally
  5. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    no other car maker even close to tesla. They gave Tesla a 10 year head start...
  6. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    You can charge a Tesla with portable solar panels...
  7. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    batteries are getting cheaper and lighter all the time...electric cars are here to stay...trucks too
  8. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    Tesla truck factory in Texas is almost complete....Tesla trucks coming soon
  9. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    I believe we have already tried the hydrogen experiment...
  10. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    Tesla batteries are rechargeable....
  11. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

  12. doublejj

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    Audios Pelota'.....
  13. doublejj

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    I should have said "if" you get back....
  14. doublejj

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    we'll see you when you get back....
  15. doublejj

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    N.J. top cop notes 22 COVID-related deaths among police in a week as unions continue anti-mandate push
  16. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    yeah all the street signs are 2ft high and no fences along the front yards, streets extra wide. It does seem kind of strange to turn a corner and see an airplane coming down the street at you. Just wave as you drive under the wing.... :-D
  17. doublejj

    AP: US terrorism alert warns of politically motivated violence.

    the FBI is actively looking for tips for the upcoming Insurrection #2....just sayin ;)
  18. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    smh...... Republican float in Indiana parade shows model of smoking World Trade Center twin towers
  19. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    New York to ban sale of all gas-powered vehicles in the state by 2035