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  1. doublejj


    Tanks......this would be a good use for all those fancy tanks we no longer need in Afghanistan. Ring the US Capitol with M1A2 Abrams tanks..... P.S. I bet they never have to fire a shot and not one terrorist will illegally enter the capitol...
  2. doublejj

    California Gubernatorial Recall Election

    I see those clowns all around NorCal....usually on the side of a truck with a big american flag in the back, wearing a red hat....
  3. doublejj

    California Gubernatorial Recall Election

    sorry dog I don't consider un-vaxed people stable....
  4. doublejj

    California Gubernatorial Recall Election

    Union workers propel Newsom in waning days of recall campaign
  5. doublejj

    California Gubernatorial Recall Election

    to put things in perspective....Under West Virginia marijuana laws, adult-use cannabis is illegal. Marijuana laws in West Virginia classify cannabis as a Schedule I controlled substance.....
  6. doublejj

    California Gubernatorial Recall Election

    you are right she was a pos.....
  7. doublejj

    Afganistan Collapse

    pleas stop at stop signs rob, i know it is a violation of your free will consent but it's for the safety of us all...
  8. doublejj

    California Gubernatorial Recall Election

    Newsom won't resign over this BS. This woman hasn't filed any harassment complaints. This was consensual act and between 2 legal age's none of our business.
  9. doublejj

    California Gubernatorial Recall Election

    other peoples consensual sex lives are there own business. i stay out of others bedrooms. and her consent is the very best defense....
  10. doublejj

    California Gubernatorial Recall Election

    I once worked with a guy that would show me pictures of his wife having sex with other men while he took don't know what kind of marriage they had.....and it's none of our business anyway....
  11. doublejj

    California Gubernatorial Recall Election

    she's a 34yr old woman of full mental capacity, she can make her own choices, she wasn't raped. they were 2 consenting adults, it's none of our business just Monica Lewinski was none of our business. Peoples personal sex lives should not be a questions on a job application. Newsom is human, and...
  12. doublejj

    California Gubernatorial Recall Election

    As far as i know the Newsom story is all BS....I don't base my judgment on hearsay. What proof do you have that this is true? Has Newsom been convicted of any crimes? or paid any hush money? You are discrediting a man without just cause. and Newsom doesn't lead me in anything, he works for me...
  13. doublejj

    California Gubernatorial Recall Election

    it's just a job.....being Governor is just a job.....he's not running for sainthood. Banging your friends wife should not be a criteria for your job. You expect this guy to walk on water....holy water at that...morals are each persons standards, don't impose your morals on me (or Newsom) and we...
  14. doublejj

    California Gubernatorial Recall Election

    lets stay out of Newsome's bedroom....the only reason this is an issue is because sex was la Monica Lewinski. Does your sex life effect your conduct at work?..would you be upset if your job asked you who you were banging?..
  15. doublejj

    California Gubernatorial Recall Election

    one man revolution. Reminds me of Chong in the Flying Corsican
  16. doublejj

    California Gubernatorial Recall Election

    trump belongs in jail, Newsome belongs in office, i don't wish to be Governor so i voted for Newsome and he is doing a fine job all things considered. Is he perfect?, but the last perfect guy got nailed to a cross, so i'll take it.
  17. doublejj

    California Gubernatorial Recall Election

    are we talking about trump or Newsome?....
  18. doublejj

    California Gubernatorial Recall Election

    No, Newsome "sneeking out to a party" is not the biggest issue facing California. We have bigger problems than where Newsome had dinner....
  19. doublejj

    California Gubernatorial Recall Election

    i voted for Newsome.....