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  1. Dryxi

    Couple Veg Questions

    Another question for anyone with a super healthy garden (cannabis or not) outside in a raised bed. If you had to move that garden inside (for whatever reason you come up with), would you be scared of bringing a ton of pests? I know healthy soil and gardens typically have a good handle on pests...
  2. Dryxi

    Couple Veg Questions

    If i top a plant in veg, does that delay the amount of time it takes it to mature and start showing pre-sex? I ask because this strain I am gonna grow takes about 40-43 days to show sex, and am wondering if it will take the same amount of time if I top it earlier. This current cycle I didnt top...
  3. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    I like Ken's grand daddy purple. My friends grows some and it's a pretty strong high. I've been thinking about starting some but I want to be sure I'm ready to take clones since I would want to keep a purple pheno
  4. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    Honestly I think it is semi hard to go wrong nowadays as long as you buy from a breeder that seems to know his shit. Bodhi is good, I have a lot from him. As for strains, the better question is what kind of high do you like? Pick a strain that fits your high and go from there. I like sativa...
  5. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    New seeds but I haven't decided on a strain. Debating popping silver mountain again, GDP, some other bodhi or irie genetics. Gotta make up my mind eventually
  6. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    Today I ordered a 65w quantum board from hlg, so next week I should start vegging some new plants. I am going to do the next run differently without scrogging this time and running 5 or 6 plants instead. Gonna veg for less as well. I think I'll veg for 3-4 weeks and flip.
  7. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    Another little update on the garden. Everybody is looking good and happy. I found a single seed today while looking over the plants, but it is a single outlier seed. Idk how it got pollinated but maybe I missed a nanner. Just gonna wait and see there. No issues this grow, no stressing em out...
  8. Dryxi

    bodhi seeds

    Here's a couple shots of my silver mtn day 38F.
  9. Dryxi

    When to move an indoor vegged plant outside?

    I think ifts strain dependent on exactly how much light they need to start flowering but I'd think at 14 - 15 hrs a day outside you could easily start taking them outside and when the temp is high enough
  10. Dryxi

    supercropping beginning of flowering?

    You should be pinching it before you bend it. Also if you bend it slowly like, push it, let it up for a second, push it more, etc. I haven't actually broken a stem yet but done a lot of super cropping.
  11. Dryxi

    bodhi seeds

    Here is a pic of my silver moutain I got going from my grow log. I'd say she is looking good :)
  12. Dryxi


    The full tests at Logan labs costs 55$. Gives you all of em. Also growru (look him up) can take a copy of your tests and put it into layman English and tell you exactly (according to him) what you should do to make it better. Also, whoever you go with, go with them again next time. Every lab...
  13. Dryxi

    4x8 for 630cmh or 4x4

    I'm currently using 2 315s over my 4x4 planter bed. Seems to work good but doesn't really cover the outer edges of my 5x5 tent, but works great on the 4x4 space.
  14. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    Mine is actually a geopot but you can make one yourself out of non woven geotextile fabric and PVC pipe. The dimensions of mine are like 4ft x 4ftx15in You should be able to find it wherever you are. It is pretty common throughout the world.
  15. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    F27 Silver Mountain Strawberry-Banana
  16. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    Just got back from another week long trip away from home. Luckily this time I am not seeing any type of issues. Looks like the spider mite issues might be behind me. Plants are coming along. The Silver Mountain plant smells really good. Here are a couple pics. Day F20 Strawberry-banana side...
  17. Dryxi

    Defoliating In flower??

    This for sure.
  18. Dryxi

    What wall mount fan is working well for you?!

    I use a durabreeze one that I have attached near the ceiling angled down towards the plants and osc in a circle. I've been using it for a year and it works great. The mounting hardware it came with holds it very well.
  19. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    Yesterday I took some pictures of the girls, cut down the boy silver mountain, and top watered in about 3 gallons of water mixed with coconut powder, yucca extract, and bio-phos. On another note, I seem to have brought some friends into the garden with me when I added the worm castings from my...
  20. Dryxi

    Bad carbon scrubber?

    Put your filter hanging up in the tent. attach ducting to it and then path the ducting outside the tent. Put your fan attached to the ducting. Make sure the air is blowing away from the tent not pushing air into the filter. Put a piece of tissue paper/ toilet paper next to the passive vents in...