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  1. W

    Help quick just got the clones now what?

    gotcool air pulling from outside, and pushing through 3 radiant8 8" ac hoods and exhasut back into same area(garage with false wall) the wall on the other side keeps cool. I have pass holes about a foot off the ground all along oneside for an intake, the constant exhaust creates pruesse on...
  2. W

    Hello i got my stuff and went air cooled, got the trainwreck clones today inthe myster soil and...

    Hello i got my stuff and went air cooled, got the trainwreck clones today inthe myster soil and wanted to know what to do next
  3. W

    Help quick just got the clones now what?

    Just got these 6 trainwreck clones from a guy dont know what kind of soil or anything there in or what they have been giving, tags say 12/2so i have had them a few hours now and its the 13th..temps around 82, 1800 ppm co2, 55 humidity in room, but things are in one of those cloner things with...
  4. W

    is it 420

    11x9x7.5, 3000watts, 400additional on man slider, yeild master 2 4" ac no lense or cooling 400w ,radiant8 hydrofarm hoode hooked up to cold air in with max fan sucking and blwing through and out the3 1000's back out o room, causing my passive intake to push cold air in with lots of small holes...
  5. W

    Fresca wing reflectors, the magnum for horizontal use, and parabolic or open like your setup for...

    Fresca wing reflectors, the magnum for horizontal use, and parabolic or open like your setup for vertical...think yours dominates due to your not reflecting and more surface area of plant gets light, or if you had more would you have them up top? i can afford 3 for flowering max if this hole...
  6. W

    Ok, i got a 10x14 room, 7.5 roof, i will get 1 1000watt MH for veg fresca style, warm t5 for...

    Ok, i got a 10x14 room, 7.5 roof, i will get 1 1000watt MH for veg fresca style, warm t5 for seedlings and in veg room when not used. I want to use 2 or 3 HPS for flowering...the question is, if Im only doing a few plants on rotation or 6 total flowering should i go vertical or horizontal, how...
  7. W

    i want to get the fresca sol if your reviews are posative...Im in an apartment, got plenty of...

    i want to get the fresca sol if your reviews are posative...Im in an apartment, got plenty of room, 14X10..5X6 closet, garage is 20X10..can do 6 legally and would like to keep it legal. I have been looknig into watercooling because with the light closer more lumens are available and...
  8. W

    nice, i dunno how i msg u on othwr website if i even did, lol, i was on grasscity and didnt...

    nice, i dunno how i msg u on othwr website if i even did, lol, i was on grasscity and didnt notice! Very nice 20oz per plant is good! What else can u tell me abot the freca system?
  9. W

    Thank you for you response and help so far! 20 oz per plant is very nice, good job! I was...

    Thank you for you response and help so far! 20 oz per plant is very nice, good job! I was wanting a fresca and a mh 1000, and 3 more with 1000 watts for flowering, and everything to go along with them for a soil based set up. Before i did that i just wated to make sure that people lke yourself...
  10. W

    Two 1000's or three 600's

    get the 1000's, 3 of them isnt much more and in the same area those efficent 600's could be you would have almost double the light, increasing chances of posative things
  11. W

    hello i am about to buy this stuff tomarrow and wantt o know how much you yielded per plant?

    hello i am about to buy this stuff tomarrow and wantt o know how much you yielded per plant?