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  1. Rico2016

    How many can I fit?

    why not do less pots but bigger pots or are you stuck on 4x 1 gal pots?
  2. Rico2016

    101 Already Asked Questions

    without a doubt to my mind great community and resource. thanks again all
  3. Rico2016

    101 Already Asked Questions

    I think you need to wait a bit before you can do all the stuff, in time! and welcome
  4. Rico2016

    Mycorrhizae vs voodoo juice

    Does the Ecothrive Charge have mycorzhae I saw the tea does
  5. Rico2016

    Mycorrhizae vs voodoo juice

    Okay that make sense so I wonder now what is the best concentration? can it be too much concentrated or not enough? I never had problems with Xtreme or Growers Recharge but then again maybe the concentrated was good to go
  6. Rico2016

    What nutrient deficiency is this?

  7. Rico2016

    Mycorrhizae vs voodoo juice

    I heard the best Mycos are Xtreme Gard for sure and then Great White but I prefer Xtreme when the funds are low because the price is solid
  8. Rico2016

    Any good liquid fertilizers you recommend?

    I saw the DyanGro 7-7-7 Is that P and K too high though right? Just looks cool with 7-7-7 but still too high?
  9. Rico2016

    Any good liquid fertilizers you recommend?

    Thanks brothas much appreciated
  10. Rico2016

    Any good liquid fertilizers you recommend?

    I see all the Advanced Nutrients, Fox Farm, Gen Hydro, bla bla but are there any others you can recommend? Or is this the best we have
  11. Rico2016

    Wettable powder from Cold War Organics

    How did it work out?
  12. Rico2016

    Cheap but effective hydro nutes?

    Good call, best time to grow and learn my friend.
  13. Rico2016

    More nanners, WTF??

    Nanners and hermies and seeds oh my
  14. Rico2016


    Wigz what type of grow are you working with here is it indoor outdoor organic what kind brotha
  15. Rico2016

    should i transplant her

    I havent heard on the b1 watering thanks for the tips to add. But I agree the root powders for Xtreme Gar Azos and the Mykos have done me good.
  16. Rico2016

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I think it means Bacillus with the species but dont full quote me on it.
  17. Rico2016


    When the calyx has those hairs (pistils) that is a female
  18. Rico2016

    First Time Indoor Grow. How things look?

    I can suggest to use fox farm nutes and then with root growth to help eat up all the nutrients in the soil use xtreme gard mykos. The combo is strong. fox farm = soup food for plant xtreme gardening mykos = bigger spoon to eat the soup
  19. Rico2016

    Grandaddy purp 5 weeks

    Nice work bro montana, hell yeah
  20. Rico2016

    Grandaddy purp 5 weeks

    I know it can be hard to tell but how far away is your light in this pic then?