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  1. Horselover fat

    I just can't

    More information is not the same as more intelligent. The same brain could be given or not given information. Take a new born from ancient Egypt to our time and they might end up a rocket engineer.
  2. Horselover fat

    I just can't

    They did not have the necessary information.
  3. Horselover fat

    I just can't

    Our brains have not changed much. We are no more intelligent than ancient Egyptians or the first farmers 10000 years ago.
  4. Horselover fat

    Has anyone tried the kratky method?

    Kratky also works well for tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers etc, but probably not so great for cannabis...
  5. Horselover fat

    I just can't

    How does the water in a well meet with the non water above it?
  6. Horselover fat

    I just can't

    The Us is not the only one to have visited moon: All those countries keeping a secret like that. Amazing.
  7. Horselover fat

    I just can't

    That much is obvious. Unfortunately you will definitely be mown down if you stand in front of a train... No matter how much you choose not to believe in the train.
  8. Horselover fat

    Cheap led lights

    I think they are making up the stats. I believe the 57400 lumens might be true, but the par maps and other stats not so much.
  9. Horselover fat

    Track cycling

    Yup. You would have to be much, much stronger than your opponent to just pedal your way to victory. The drafting rider uses like half the power to ride at the same speed as the front rider. They should win almost every time by conserving energy and passing just before the finish. That's why the...
  10. Horselover fat

    LED Grow Light heat

    The less power your light uses the less heat it produces. A 400w led is going to produce 400w worth of heat. Doesn't matter which 400w led it is. The heat is also the same as a 400w HPS, or 400w of incandescent bulbs.
  11. Horselover fat

    How can I lose 60 lbs without working out?

    Don't forget blue shorts.
  12. Horselover fat

    1000watt yield ?

  13. Horselover fat

    I just can't

    I'm saying most of us have been almost as high.
  14. Horselover fat

    I just can't

    ^fifteen kilometers...
  15. Horselover fat

    Sunrise/sunset feature

    Probably does nothing other than lower dli. I wouldn't mind seeing a test, but I don't think the plant needs to wake up slow like I need to.
  16. Horselover fat

    Oxygenate, quietly.

    I've thought about using a pvc pipe filled with hydroton. Stick that up from the res and pump water to the top and let it flow back to the res. Should oxygenate well enough and be quiter than air stones or regular waterfalls. Maybe? Haven't tried it yet. Might be a terrible idea :'D
  17. Horselover fat

    I just can't

    1800 fake launches per year. They are incredibly good at faking them. And such international cooperation. Amazing.
  18. Horselover fat

    what is the most efficient DIY LED build today?

    Fluence claim their blurple Vypr goes upto 3.8umol/j