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  1. Z

    First grow problems

    I’m going to run 4 autos in a 4x4 tent but before I start them I already have a humidity problem. 75% humidity with a inline fan for exhaust and lights on. Anybody know a good dehumidifier that won’t break the bank. I thought I was finally done spending money and ready to start them but I don’t...
  2. Z

    New to autos

    I only have the 480
  3. Z

    New to autos

    I got a cheap Chinese 480w.quantum build. I plan on growing in soil in 5 gal fabric pots. I ordered a 3 pack and a 5 pack of autos and got 2 freebies so I’m thinking about just running the 5 pack in one run and the others in my next
  4. Z

    New to autos

    I was gonna run 5 gal fabric pots. And good looking on the link! I’ve only ordered from attitude and although they’ve done me good in the past I’ve really wanted to find a bank on this side of the pond to order from.
  5. Z

    Newbie dimmer question

    New to led lights and autos and was just looking for some basic newbie tips when it comes to growing autos and under leds. I purchased a 480w qb led and I’ve really been wondering if I should dim it down starting off or if it’ll be fine to leave on full power.
  6. Z

    220w qb and auto flowers
  7. Z

    220w qb and auto flowers

    Just placed my order an hour or so ago and actually didn’t go with the kit. Shopped around on eBay for everything individually and found a 450w Qb for a little over $300. Hopefully it does the job for the 4x4
  8. Z

    New to autos

    Yes I wanted to post in auto and led forums. Is that not allowed??
  9. Z

    220w qb and auto flowers

    i understand it wouldn’t be enough if I had plans of maxing out the tent but that’s why I’m curious as to how many autos it would be powerful enough for
  10. Z

    New to autos

    Never tried autos before so I was wondering what would be a good number to start with the space and light I have to work with. Gonna be ordering a 4x4 tent kit from igtfarms that comes with their 220w quantum board led (which I know isn’t ideal for a 4x4 but it’s in my budget) This will be my...
  11. Z

    220w qb and auto flowers

    Never tried autos before so I was wondering what would be a good number to start with the space and light I have to work with. Gonna be ordering a 4x4 tent kit from igtfarms that comes with their 220w quantum board led (which I know isn’t ideal for a 4x4 but it’s in my budget) I know autos...