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  1. AmirR

    How does my grow box look?

    Hey folks Just built a new grow room as my last one suck Its 115cm x 85cm x 230cm height Inline fan at the bottom Exhaust fan on the top 400w MH with self made reflector Ballast and key placed out of grow box Circulation fan runs between lamp and plants Walls covered with reflective papers
  2. AmirR

    Whats wrong with this baby?

    Update Baby is recovering
  3. AmirR

    Whats wrong with this baby?

    I wont switch to cfl then lol
  4. AmirR

    Whats wrong with this baby?

    Ok its hard to switch to cfl coz that coupling is made for MH lamps But if its necessary or has lots of benefits I'll do.
  5. AmirR

    Whats wrong with this baby?

    Hmmm so tell me how much watts for this baby and 4 more girls? I have 1x40w 2x36w and a few 29w
  6. AmirR

    Whats wrong with this baby?

    I dont care about electricity its not expensive here Can i stick with 400w mh? This ak is recovering and i have 4 more seeds germinated
  7. AmirR

    Whats wrong with this baby?

    40w Temp/humidity is 25/55 Should i back to cfl?
  8. AmirR

    Whats wrong with this baby?

    I didn't say i flushed the plant I flushed the medium before planting Did i wrong?
  9. AmirR

    Whats wrong with this baby?

    It was under cfl for 2 weeks No growth as u see Thats a 400w i current my self
  10. AmirR

    Whats wrong with this baby?

    Im starting 3 new seeds Whats ur advice for medium? Personally i want to grow 2 seedlings in forest soil/perlite and 1 in coco/peat/perlite I believe that mold signs and damp off appeared because i buried the stem 1-2 inches when i noticed or just thought they're stretching
  11. AmirR

    Whats wrong with this baby?

    Yeah it can be underwatering I didn't give them much water i just keep the medium moist
  12. AmirR

    Whats wrong with this baby?

    She was under cfl in about 3-5 inches and it started from inside of plant
  13. AmirR

    Whats wrong with this baby?

    No mate i didn't give much water That medium soilless and free nutrients
  14. AmirR

    Whats wrong with this baby?

    Tnx bro Im using spring water and i think it's soft and shitless and i keep it in grow room so its 22c I've 3 more seeds in a cup of water and im gonna plant them in soil as well Well there's no fox farm around but I'll find a good soil and will add perlite my own
  15. AmirR

    Whats wrong with this baby?

    And whats MO and RO water?
  16. AmirR

    Whats wrong with this baby?

    Yeah it was daming off in one seedling and mold signs in other one that is still in the medium but i don't hope so she recovera take a look And one thing that make me wonder is that i flushed that coco with hot water before using and cooled down as well but it didn't work
  17. AmirR

    Whats wrong with this baby?

    It was under cfl for 2 weeks Some roots were growing out of cup And not much growth in leaves And that plant is about 10cm not one inch
  18. AmirR

    Whats wrong with this baby?

    2 other seedlings died in that coco because of Pythium And transplanting to peat was advised by a plant clinic So u think i should return it to coco or what? This peat is not holding moisture too long maybe because of perlites that I've added
  19. AmirR

    Whats wrong with this baby?

    And thats a 400w sry
  20. AmirR

    Whats wrong with this baby?

    Its about 50cm I'll keep it in 1m now So u think its light burn?