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    Ph too high

    I would suggest getting a PH pen and some ph up snd ph down solution. 6.0 to 6.7 seems to be a decent ph range for cannabis. it's a small price to pay for the headache it can relieve as far as the problems that can occur due to an undesirable PH level.

    Afghani or Hindu Kush forever?

    You bring up a good point, I didn't think of that. It's probably a bit stronger to which is nice.

    Afghani or Hindu Kush forever?

    If you could only grow one of these strains to have to keep as is, or to cross with any Sativa of your choosing for an indoor grow for the rest of your life which would you pick, the Afghan or the Hindu? More importantly which Sativa! Thanks for participating.

    Miracle Grow Perlite ruined my plant

    Those are some great looking plants you have. Every leaf looks fantastic! If you say the Miracle Grow isn't what's causing it I believe you. Possibly it's just a nitrogen deficiency but there's some seedlings that are yellow as well. I don't believe I'm over watering so I'm really not sure...

    Miracle Grow Perlite ruined my plant

    Thanks Raspberry, will do! I'm never touching that stuff again. From now on, all I will use as far as perlite goes, will be 100% perlite with no additives.

    Miracle Grow Perlite ruined my plant

    So i used a tin of MG Perlite that has slow release fertility and i believe it's completely destroyed my plant. yellow crispy dry leaves, bright lime green leaves. The plant will probably die. i guess I won't be getting MG Perlite ever again. FFOF was mixed with it as well.

    Inline fan pulling out air

    Ok, upon further inspection I've realized the ducting on the exhaust had come slightly open so it was probably blowing some air inside instead of out. It's blowing out much better now. Cheers, and thanks everyone for the replys and advice.

    Inline fan pulling out air

    Hi, thanks for the reply. It's brand new so I haven't had a chance to clean it yet. I've emailed Affinity so I'm waiting to see what they say. I'm sure it's an excellent fan regardless of my possible issue based on what others have said about it. I'm going to try and readjust and fiddle with...

    Inline fan pulling out air

    Ok thanks for the reply! Yep, pulling through filter Currently I have it at speed level 3. I'll turning it up to 6.

    Inline fan pulling out air

    Hello everyone, Happy New year. I have a question about a 6" AC Affinity fan that I'm worried is not working quite as intended. Before I contact the manufacturer I wanted to ask the knowledgeable folks here first. It doesn't feel my fan is pulling out as much air as it should. If set at level...

    Humidity control

    Get a decent humidifier, and turn your exhaust fan down as low as possible. Once your plants mature a bit the space will naturally become more humid. You should be able to get it at around 45% humidity comfortably at that point I think.

    I play dubstep for my plants

    I think playing music is great for your plants. Playing tunes for plants is awesome

    Anyone grow any Annapurna here?

    Thanks for the tips, duly noted. Maybe topping and lst together might be a good idea. I know they can get very tall.

    Anyone grow any Annapurna here?

    Ok thanks, I just have become very interested in this specific strain as of late. I'll definitely be reading up on this particular type. I'm interested in what strains cross well with it to keep it's uniqueness but still take desired elements from other strains that have similar traits if that...

    Anyone grow any Annapurna here?

    Yes I know how to use search thanks. Figured I'd try to spark up a conversation. Nevermind

    Anyone grow any Annapurna here?

    Hi everyone, I'm curious if anyone has ever grown any Annapurna here. If so what were your experiences with it, and how do you like it? I'm interested because it seems like a bit of a rare Nepalese strain to get somewhat.