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  1. csteez

    Has my flowering started ?

    Also in the Midwest.
  2. csteez

    Has my flowering started ?

    Nope 18/6 inside I’ll get some better pictures. I just did the usual month veg inside then moved outside.
  3. csteez

    Has my flowering started ?

    Hey everyone, the reason I am asking this question is because it seems a little early where I am located for them to start already. I did start them inside initially then moved them outside.
  4. csteez

    Plant issue auto

    Yeah my biggest concern is the new led I’m using it’s a 4000w. But my Lux meter is broken I think or not reading accurate. I moved the light up more I’ll see how that goes.
  5. csteez

    Plant issue auto

    Sounds good I’ll take a peak for bugs. I just noticed the damage recently, my dumbass could have been moving it around and caused the damage.
  6. csteez

    Plant issue auto

    Hey guys, I’ve recently started some auto flowers. I attached some pictures. It’s only happening on one plant. This plant was taller then the rest I think I burned it because it got a lot of height on it quick it isn’t turning yellow like I’d expect. Just looking for some advice.