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  1. J

    Which of these strains....aphrodisiac / visualisation

    Which of these sativa strains have the most potent aphrodisiac like properties? Something that's going to provide a more energetic high to engage in sex, but can also enhance visualisation. As I work in film I have in the past used weed to 'see everything in my head' during storyboarding, and...
  2. J

    When applying spidermite killer....

    Ok, no sure about vacuuming lol, but thanks for the assurance about MW. now im here i have another question. I have mold problems on another plant (botrytis)... would the PM Wash solution work for this or am i better off just cutting the infected part off? should i hack off the whole bud or...
  3. J

    When applying spidermite killer....

    Like I said, i have no way of controlling humidity other than leaving the greenhouse door open. I have no fans.
  4. J

    When applying spidermite killer....

    well my concern about spraying buds is that it'll cause mould...i've already had to remove parts of the main cola due to this problem .does Mighty Wash evaporate quickly? Im growing in a Greenhouse btw and have no means of lowering humidity other than leaving the door open...
  5. J

    When applying spidermite killer....

    ....can I just wipe it onto the leaves, rather than mist with a sprayer? I ask because I don't want to get my buds wet. im using Mighty Wash by NPK Industries
  6. J

    Bud Rot - PM Wash? (SOLVED)

    Delete this thread
  7. J

    NL Auto Outdoors 8 weeks - not budding

    Ok cool. What do you say about starting on the bloom nutes now just to give it that extra push?
  8. J

    NL Auto Outdoors 8 weeks - not budding

    I can't set any lights back because i'm growing in a greenhouse. It looks relatively healthy right? (The one in the green pot is my NL photoperiod, which was topped at 7 weeks) If it's not a genuine auto, will it still flower in august when the light changes?
  9. J

    NL Auto Outdoors 8 weeks - not budding

    I'm growing Nirvana's NL Autoflower outdoors in the UK (in my greenhouse) it unusual that it hasn't started budding at 8 weeks from sprout? The pistils started appearing a few weeks back but they haven't developed much since then. Could it be that they're not true autos? In which case...
  10. J

    Northern Lights Auto + Photo - Too Short? (greenhouse grow)

    Thanks for the info zandra RE: the watering, very helpful. As I mentioned, I started feeding nutes today....Advanced Nutes Sensi Ph Perfect.
  11. J

    Northern Lights Auto + Photo - Too Short? (greenhouse grow)

    Im growing in biobizz light mix....temps outdoors in the uk are averaging 10 degrees celcius at night and around 17 in the day. I've been watering everyday but not much. I was quite liberal today however as I also fed them nutes. speaking of watering, should I water just around the plant, or the...
  12. J

    Northern Lights Auto + Photo - Too Short? (greenhouse grow)

    These plants are 18 days old (since sprouting) you think they're a little on the short side? I'm thinking it's because I transplanted too early from the smaller pots? Also, for the first 3-5 days or so, I left them on the windowsill....maybe this slowed the growth down a bit...what do you...