When applying spidermite killer....


Active Member
....can I just wipe it onto the leaves, rather than mist with a sprayer? I ask because I don't want to get my buds wet. im using Mighty Wash by NPK Industries


Well-Known Member
IMO spray too. Just get one of those little spray bottles so you can spot spray the affected spots your looking to treat.


Well-Known Member
Spray your plants with water everyday.
It'll wash the spider mites off the plant. You won't get rid of them, but you can keep them under control until your plant finishes.
The other alternative is to spray with your might wash, and spay with water right after you get done.
Spider mites in flower are just about impossible to get rid of. all it takes is one egg, or one mite to start the infestation again.


Active Member
well my concern about spraying buds is that it'll cause mould...i've already had to remove parts of the main cola due to this problem .does Mighty Wash evaporate quickly? Im growing in a Greenhouse btw and have no means of lowering humidity other than leaving the door open...

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
well my concern about spraying buds is that it's cause mould...i've already had to remove parts of the main cola due to this problem .does Mighty Wash evaporate quickly? Im growing in a Greenhouse btw and have no means of lowering humidity other than leaving the door open...
yes, it dries quickly, spray it at lights out with fans off. can turn fans back on after couple hrs.


Well-Known Member
You should be fine like chuck said, turn your fans back on after you've sprayed and its sat there for a couple hours

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Like I said, i have no way of controlling humidity other than leaving the greenhouse door open. I have no fans.
you'll be fine. MW dries quickly and doesn't cause mold. The damage from the mites will be far worse than the spraying of the MW. You could even vacuum the buds with a small shop vac after spraying if you want to try that.


Active Member
you'll be fine. MW dries quickly and doesn't cause mold. The damage from the mites will be far worse than the spraying of the MW. You could even vacuum the buds with a small shop vac after spraying if you want to try that.
Ok, no sure about vacuuming lol, but thanks for the assurance about MW.

now im here i have another question. I have mold problems on another plant (botrytis)... would the PM Wash solution work for this or am i better off just cutting the infected part off? should i hack off the whole bud or just the part with the mold? unfortunately it's gotten hold of the two main colas...


Well-Known Member
Personally I would get the infected out of there. You can cut it out but if you miss it still spreads. About a month ago I lost power due to a storm and was 1wk out from chop. It literally took 1nite with no air exchange to screw me on a couple colas. I had watered 30 mins before power cut so it was super humid in the room. I had to buy a generator to get the fans exchanging air then the power came back on a day later. It was the most expensive nite to keep my grow goin, the generator was 800 dollars and I haven't use it since.


Well-Known Member
well my concern about spraying buds is that it'll cause mould...i've already had to remove parts of the main cola due to this problem .does Mighty Wash evaporate quickly? Im growing in a Greenhouse btw and have no means of lowering humidity other than leaving the door open...
If your growing in a green house leave it open. The best thing to get rid of spider mites is out-side. let those predator bugs in there.
I grow in and out, and I never have a problem with bugs outside. Open that baby up as much as you can Bro.