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  1. G

    Help Diagnose My Plants

    Thanks for the tips guys. I haven't been using anything to adjust pH. The fertilizer is neutral. I am using just basic "Black Earth" topsoil from the grocery store. I know its subpar technique but this is my first time and it is just a small grow.
  2. G

    Please Help Diagnose My Plants

    Hi there, First time grower here. My plants were off to a good start but lately have taken a turn for the worse. -They are about 6 weeks old -I started watering 500mL each EVERYDAY, but read this is overwatering, so I changed to every other day 500mL watering -I water with tap water that has...
  3. G

    Help Diagnose My Plants

    Hi there, First time grower here. My plants were off to a good start but lately have taken a turn for the worse. -They are about 6 weeks old -I started watering 500mL each EVERYDAY, but read this is overwatering, so I changed to every other day 500mL watering -I water with tap water that has...