Help Diagnose My Plants


Hi there,
First time grower here. My plants were off to a good start but lately have taken a turn for the worse.

-They are about 6 weeks old
-I started watering 500mL each EVERYDAY, but read this is overwatering, so I changed to every other day 500mL watering
-I water with tap water that has sat out for ONE day, but when it rains I use rain water
-I have been using organic 100% worm casting extract to mix with the water (n=1000ppm, p=400ppm, k=3100ppm)
-The plants are yellowing the leaves from the bottom but are working to the top leaves
-The veins stay green longer before they yellow
-Brown spots are developing
-Leaves are slightly curled and I could crush a few of the lower leaves with my fingers

Some pics I have taken are in attachments
(First time poster to so I hope they work)



Active Member
More info needed. What kind of soil, additives, things like that. Looks like you are using peat, did you add lime to buffer your ph or are you adjusting the ph of your water? Also looks like you need to add something to help with drainage like perlite.


Thanks for the tips guys. I haven't been using anything to adjust pH. The fertilizer is neutral. I am using just basic "Black Earth" topsoil from the grocery store. I know its subpar technique but this is my first time and it is just a small grow.


Active Member
Definitely ease up on the watering. Lift your pots right after you water and feel how heavy they are then lift them everyday when they start feeling light it's probably time to water. Add some perlite to your soil and it will help drain the excess water. I think you also have a ph issue which a little dolomitic lime will fix.