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  1. T

    CFL dead - bulb or ballast?

    Yeah that's the one! I only grow one plant at a time but it's served me really well. Never weighed my yield but I'm really happy with the amount I usually end up with.
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    CFL dead - bulb or ballast?

    Ah, I see, thanks. It threw me as I can see the bulb trying to light up so I thought it may be the ballast at fault. Gonna order myself a new bulb first thing tomorrow. Good job i'm growing autos as they've been abused this last few days!
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    CFL dead - bulb or ballast?

    It's one of the massive Envirolight ones so a normal bulb won't fit. Thanks though.
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    CFL dead - bulb or ballast?

    Can any CFL experts help a brother out? I need to order a new bulb/reflector ASAP, as I'm half way through a grow. Don't want to order the wrong thing.
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    CFL dead - bulb or ballast?

    Really helpful. Thanks:cuss:
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    CFL dead - bulb or ballast?

    My 300w CFL no longer works. When first switched on, I get clicking and the bulb flickers from one or two of the filaments. After 5 seconds or so, the flickering ceases and the clicking stops. I need to know whether to order a new bulb or a new reflector/ballast combo. Any ideas which is...
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    Heat from 300w CFL vs 400w HPS

    I am currently running a 300w dual spectrum envirolight and would like to upgrade to a 400w HPS. I am a little concerned however as I have heard that the HPS lights kick out a lot more heat than the CFLs. My grow space is around 1.5ft x 3ft x 4.5ft but the ventilation is a little lacking at...
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    How long after plant stops getting taller until harvest?

    I've been growing for a year or so using autos under a 300w (true wattage) dual spectrum CFL. Recently I was sent a few freebie seeds but after planting realised these were true cannabis strains, not automatics. Anyway, all is going well, I changed to 12/12 about three weeks in and the plant...
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    What's wrong with my plants (pics attached!)

    I don't have any way of measuring the PH unfortunately. I know it can be increased by adding a but of bicarbonate soda to water. Is this worth a shot?
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    What's wrong with my plants (pics attached!)

    This is my fourth CFL closet grow and as ever i'm using autos. The larger plant is an Automatic Haze (around 5 - 6 weeks old) and the smaller a Blue Mystic (about 4 - 5). The plants are kept in a large cupboard under a 300watt CFL and reflector with two medium fans for ventilation. I am...
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    Experts - Is this a good grow light for the money?

    I'm currently using a 300 watt CFL (the big envirolight type) and have just finished growing a 60 day wonder in my closet. The results were not as good as we were hoping for as the lower buds were very underdeveloped, probably due to lack of light penetration from the CFL. I am thinking of...
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    UK source for CFL side lighting required

    I'm currently running a huge 300w dual spectrum CFL and reflector but for my second grow I want to invest in a couple of small side lights, something in the region of 20w cfls. Can anyone recommend me a good UK retailer where I can purchase the lights and power cables/sockets? My last plant...
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    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    Shameless bump as I could really do with some advice from the pros!
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    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    Update as of 12th August. Looks like she's not really doing much these days apart from the bigger fan leaves yellowing and drooping. Not got a microscope but i'd say the hairs are about 50% white, 50% red/brown. Does she look about ready to harvest or has she got a bit more growth to come...
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    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    Thanks for that, looks like I need to invest in a microscope.
  16. T

    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    New pics as of 8th August - not long left (should be ready on 20th) and not much bud! Still, not bad for a first try right? right??? :cry:
  17. T

    UK - CFL holder prices and source request

    Im currently running a huge 300w (true wattage) dual spectrum CFL in a reflector but it's quite apparent that my lower buds are not getting enough light. I'm considering adding some small CFLs as side lighting so would like to know the best place to buy the holders. Can anyone give me a rough...
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    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    She's getting organic tomato nutes at the moment. May invest in some side lighting for grow number 2. Do these 60 Day Wonders usually remain true to their names? If so she's only got 3 weeks left.
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    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    Not update in a while so thought I would share some new pics. I now have a fan blowing across the top of the CFL and it's doing a great job of lowering the temps at the top of the canopy. A lot of the old growth has yelowed and fallen away but the new growth since she's been under the CFL is a...
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    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    I was hoping for 2 or even 3 plants, different highs etc. Ah well, suppose one strain is better than I have now (nothing). I usually keep my light about 1 - 2 inches above the top of the plant but I did end up with a singed leaf when she shot up by about 3 inches in a few hours. A fan is next...