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  1. T

    How many plants can I grow with 300w CFL?

    No way she'd go for a MH due to the heat problems. Already worried about the warmth that the big CFL puts out! 3 plants sounds fantastic, just what I was hoping for! One more question, my current plant is around 18" tall so would I need to wait for it to finish in another 4 weeks or so...
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    How many plants can I grow with 300w CFL?

    I have a large closet space with a footprint of around 2.5 square feet and a height of around 3 feet. The walls are painted bright white for reflectivity. I have a single dual spectrum 300W CFL under a reflector that can be raised and lowered as necessary. My question is, how many...
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    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    Not sure if anyone is still interested but I thought i'd post a few new pics. These were taken today and if all is going acording to plan, the 60 Day Wonder is exactly half way into it's short life. For the last two days it's been getting 18/6 in a white painted closet under a single 300w dual...
  4. T

    B&Q timer for my 300w CFL?

    Can I use a standard cheap mechanical timer with a 300w CFL? I know that special equipment is needed for HPS timers but not sure about CFLs. I know to look for a mechanical one rather than electronic or digital but would this be safe to use?
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    300w Dual spectrum CFL - Heat and hum

    Anyone? Slightly worried about the hum
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    300w Dual spectrum CFL - Heat and hum

    Just bought one of these and a little concerned that it is getting quite warm and also makes a faint hum. Is this normal? Anyone got any photos of grows completed with these lights so I can get an idea of what it is capable of?
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    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    Just bought a 300 watt dual spectrum CFL and reflector for £59.99. Can't wait to get my growroom started!! As a rough idea, can anyone tell me how many plants I can get under a 300 watt CFL? I'm only growing for personal use but would like a couple of different strains for variety. Anyone...
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    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    9th July so I thought i'd post some new pics. Should be getting a light within the next week so can finally give the plant a decent place to live! How is it looking to say that it is a window sill plant? Any tips? I'm gonna get some organic nutes tomorrow so that will hopefully help. One...
  9. T

    Best non-specialist nutes (B&Q etc)

    My plant is now 3 weeks old so I think it's time to invest in some nutrients. Can anyone recommend a readily available product that I can collect from B&Q or Tesco etc. This is just an experimental window sill grow so I'm not looking at splashing out on specialist products until I get my grow...
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    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    Checked the plant today and it's getting a lot bigger with lots of new growth at the nodes and several pistils have now appeared. Unfortunately, some of the bigger leaves are looking a bit floppy for want of a better word. I have not yet used any nutes and so I think it is probably deficient...
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    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    Turned it around last night so will check after work and see if it's straightened itself up at all. Will I be reducing it's photosynthesis by doing this as the leaves will initially be pointing away from the window?
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    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    Genius!!! I may just have to try that!
  13. T

    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post sources on this forum but i've just found a site selling a 125watt self ballasting CFL (either red or blue) with reflector for £39.99. Can get also get the reflector with both red and blue lamps for £59.99. Will this be powerful enough? I have a large...
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    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    Cheers J. Can you let me know where I can get a cheap grow light and reflector? Been looking online and getting confused about ballasts, hangers, safety equipment (as I read that lights can fry standard home electrical sockets). If you could PM me a site selling a cheap growlight setup I'd be...
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    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    So today, 4th July, more growth but slightly worried due to the amount that the plant is bending towards the light. Will it topple over? Now I know i'm not gonna get a huge yield from a window sill plant but by choosing an autoflowering "beginner's" strain, i'm hoping I might get a...
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    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    3rd July and plant sprouting more new leaves (can you tell i'm new to this terminology? :eyesmoke:)
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    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    1st July -
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    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    30th June and plant starting to lean towards the sun (not enough light?)
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    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    On to the 29th June and yet more growth -
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    UK window sill grow - absolute newb

    By 27th June, my seedling had grown considerably and sprouted its first set of proper leaves