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  1. G

    What does UVB damage look like?

    I recently bought some supplemental UVB lights to put in my tent, and I'm wondering what damage from UVB looks like, so I can keep an eye out for it as I slowly ramp up duration I leave the lights on. There seems to be very little info on this, does anyone have pictures or anecdotal evidence of...
  2. G

    Specks and burns?

    Check under the leaves for spider mites?
  3. G

    Question about ventilation.

    So, I did what most people probably do. I bought an inline fan to run my carbon filter. But it was noisy so I built a sound dampening box for it out of plywood (thanks to another thread on the forum for the idea) and insulating foam and did manage to get the sound down. But after I did all this...
  4. G

    First time growing.

    I know, i wasn't serious when I started this, it kind of just happened and now I do think this is something I could get more serious about later or next time I try. As far as what I'm doing now it is what it is and I'll get whatever experience and knowledge I get and use it forward, just fun to...
  5. G

    First time growing.

    60 watt grow lights in full 360 around 2 plant is not enough light for this???? o_O My 60 watt setup may not be the BEST but is it not ENOUGH?
  6. G

    First time growing.

  7. G

    First time growing.

    In the past 24hours most of the leaves on the flower nodes have started to show this kind of coloring rather than full dark green, lighter in the base and darker green farther out. It's only one of the 2 plants, It is the more hardier of the 2 plants in my opinion and the other plant in the...
  8. G

    First time growing.

    Yes, I learned about topping too late. these were already pretty tall when I finally did some reading on this and learned about topping and all the ways you can approach that. Next time I will definitely experiment with some of that more. And again, yes, if I do top right one plant would...
  9. G

    First time growing.

    I was just messing around and maybe got carried away as they grew with lighting :) As I could see they needed more light, I wanted to get them more light. Just before flower/stretch the bottom half of the plants had 0 growth as it had all died due to no light, but I got more lights and the...
  10. G

    First time growing.

    I did it weird, because for the first few months I had only 1 60 watt sun blaster on them. But as time went on and it was obvious some plants and some sections weren't getting enough light I slowly added more light. I started with 4 plants of 4 types seeds from a friend, but gave 2 up for...
  11. G

    First time growing.

    Hello. I am amatuer hobbyist growing marijuana for the first time. My plants are just starting to flower, been about 14 days since the very first signs of white pistils. Just out of curiosity these look fine and healthy to people?