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  1. Elijaheric


    Ocean forest i vegged for 6 weeks then flip to flower almost 3 weeks ago its bruce banner feminized wanted them to gain some height then flipped then to flower dont bash me lol it's my 3rd grow I'm a newbie last 2 grows were auto that came out pretty good
  2. Elijaheric


    I do nutrients flora series for feed then when shes drying up I do just water and cal mag then the next dry up I do tea then I just repeat
  3. Elijaheric


    Is she NITROGEN OR SULPHUR deficiency or something else FYI I gave her a compost tea 3 days ago with a super soil and mollasses I let brew for 36 hours shes at week 4 of flower
  4. Elijaheric

    Yellow leaves

    Please help what can this be my friend is growing hydroponics this what he sent me
  5. Elijaheric

    Mold or spider mite

    Yes I figured that trust me I got an OCD now with the jeweler's loop LOL dick tracy at his best
  6. Elijaheric

    Mold or spider mite

    Hope u folks are experienced everyone jumped straight to mold I figured it wasnt mold you guys had me scared after inv found it hiding well inside the leaves
  7. Elijaheric

    Mold or spider mite

    I woke up to this little web like on 2 buds cant tell if its mold or spidemites she only has like a week left to harvest. Should I apply neem oil not sure what to do
  8. Elijaheric


    I got that and usb microscope camera . The usb camera is by far my best gadget . I just never seen a plant with cloudy trich for over 3 weeks without an amber spec or two
  9. Elijaheric

    Is she ready

    Hahahaa FACTS
  10. Elijaheric

    Is she ready

    This particular auto gelato has been very slow 10 weeks no no im at 13 weeks I'm debating to cut her down but I wanna make sure fan leaves 75 percent dead but shes not giving me Amber's need assistance more water? More light? More dark?or cut it ?
  11. Elijaheric


    First time grower not sure when to harvest this baby all her hairs are 90 percent brownish and fan leaves 50 percent dying she is not showing much amber I think cause they say some auto dont amber alot