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  1. R

    First time grower in RDWC

    A second plant is showing slight burn on the tip now.
  2. R

    First time grower in RDWC

    A couple hours after changing the water in the tray, to 1ml each per gal of MGB no cal-mag 5.8ph. I went and looked at them and it looks like one might be getting burnt at the tip of its leaf. It’s only this one so far. Should I dilute it or give it more time?
  3. R

    First time grower in RDWC

    I was thinking that’s how it worked but I wasn’t 100% sure. I’ll start using EC from now on.
  4. R

    First time grower in RDWC

    I mixed it up. I’m trying to switch from ppm to ec. My meter has a L M H on the ec setting. Low setting measures 0-100, M is 100-2000, H is 2-?(I think it said 200 can’t remember off top of my head)It’s Apera EC60. I got 390us. I think that is .39 EC.
  5. R

    First time grower in RDWC

    Thank you guy for all the help. Going to mix up the feed and put an air stone in it for a couple hours. I’ll post any changes I see good or bad.
  6. R

    First time grower in RDWC

    Yea the 40gal was for the bucket system. I’ve been using a gal pitcher to mix up feed so far
  7. R

    First time grower in RDWC

    I was going to change the tray water tonight to to 1ml each no cal-mag. The 40 gal mix is for when they move.
  8. R

    First time grower in RDWC

    The first day in the tent I had 18/6 light. In the morning I thought they grew up tall so I went to 24/0 since then. They only seen dark once for 6 hrs
  9. R

    First time grower in RDWC

    Should I dump the 40gal I have mixed already since I have 28ml of cal-mag in it already or can I just add more MGB to bring it up?
  10. R

    First time grower in RDWC

    I wasn’t sure if they were a lil too tall. Main reason I was thinking about moving was so I could give them more support.
  11. R

    First time grower in RDWC

    I was going to move them into the buckets tomorrow. I used the .15ml Wednesday night. Yellowing cont. so I made up a new batch at .25ml for 3L of water. That’s at 25% of recommended strength. I have 40 gal mixed up now with 17.5ml of each bottle (micro, bloom, and gro). That brings it to 35% of...
  12. R

    First time grower in RDWC

    I used .15ml each of GH flora series and .15 of some cal-mag for 3/4 of a gallon(3L). I poured it in the bottom of the tray so it could wick up.
  13. R

    First time grower in RDWC

    What would you consider light feeding? Should I mix 10% of recommended dose? Would you top feed it or poor it in the bottom of seedling tray to wick up?
  14. R

    First time grower in RDWC

    Today makes day 5. I put seed in glass of water day one. Paper towel day 2. Then on day 3 I put them in rapid rooters under the humidity dome. I have a 1/4” of tap water in my tray. I haven’t added anything to them and one looks burn. What could have caused it?
  15. R

    First time grower in RDWC

    Got 7 out of 10 sprouted two more looks like something is happening in them. One might be a dud. Picked up two of them and saw roots out the bottom.
  16. R

    First time grower in RDWC

    Yea I bought rapid rooters but they came in the same day as the seeds and I wanted to soak them first so I just put the seeds in a glass while the rooters soaked.
  17. R

    First time grower in RDWC

    So yesterday evening I put my seeds in a glass of water to start germinating. Today I looked and one of the seed husk is open and at the bottom of the glass is the inside of the seed. Is that one dead or should I still put it in a rapid rooter?
  18. R

    First time grower in RDWC

    How often would you top feed? Once every three days?