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  1. Mightyturtle

    Fan causing vibration on ceiling

    Hey so just set up my first grow tent I have a 17" fan inside but it's causing vibrations on the ceiling anyways to stop this I took the base off it and taped it to the tent poll in corner but still causing vibration would hanging it in tent maybe stop it? Any help much appreciated
  2. Mightyturtle

    First grow gonna use soil, need some help with nutes

    so im doing my first grow in soil i chose plagron bat mix and i just need some help on what nutes i should be using its my first time and im not expecting to do mad stuff just want something basic i was gonna get plagron alga grow and blow but held off to see if there was an alternative that...
  3. Mightyturtle

    best soil and cheap decent nutrients to use ?

    i dunno if i done a good thing or not but we will see when the grow is done, i bought some plagron bat mix for my soil just for the ease of it as its what my store had, the only thing im unsure on is the nutes now as the bag says enought nutes already in soil to last up to six weeks so would the...
  4. Mightyturtle

    best soil and cheap decent nutrients to use ?

    im in EU and most people recommend soils that are bought in US and it causes more to ship it than the actual soil costs, and I'm doing this all on a small budget
  5. Mightyturtle

    best soil and cheap decent nutrients to use ?

    whats the ratio of topsoil peat and perlite
  6. Mightyturtle

    best soil and cheap decent nutrients to use ?

    yes defo will post results
  7. Mightyturtle

    Lighting help

    would i be better just to get a cfl light then ? or are there any cooled reflectors that are cheap orr what if i jerry rigged some pc fans on the regular reflector ?
  8. Mightyturtle

    Lighting help

    it isnt insulated or anything it is pretty cold althought perhaps in summer it will be bad
  9. Mightyturtle

    Lighting help

    yeah the only thing is that im buying everying in a kit for cheapness im on a low budget. and i dont think ive seen any of the kits around my price range with a cooled reflecter
  10. Mightyturtle

    Lighting help

    im going to have a 17" to blow on plants and a 6" to blow air up towards lights and output hole
  11. Mightyturtle

    Lighting help

    It's centimeters
  12. Mightyturtle

    Lighting help

    So originally for my first grow I was gonna get a kit that has a 250w hps and a 80x80x180 tent but when clearing the attic I realized that I could only fit 60x60x140 tent would a 250w hps be okay to use in that size of tent or would I be better to use cfl or led?
  13. Mightyturtle

    best soil and cheap decent nutrients to use ?

    Thanks for the advice bro lovely looking plants
  14. Mightyturtle

    best soil and cheap decent nutrients to use ?

    thanks will have a good read on here later when finished work
  15. Mightyturtle

    best soil and cheap decent nutrients to use ?

    hey so im gonna do my first grow soon and use a soil medium need some tips on the best soil to use and which nutrients are good but cheap ive been looking and some are hella expensive any help much appreciated
  16. Mightyturtle

    Looking for a Buddy to help me grow

    hey im looking for someone to chat with about growing i really wanna get into it add me on discord if you use it. i know a little from what ive been reading at the moment looking into ph and ppm stuff then come payday im buying all the stuff my discord name is TheMightyOrangeTurtle#1956, if you...