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    Droopy tips

    Hey all! Beginner grower looking for some advice After a first grow that went pretty poorly, i'm trying to get this one right ! I purchased 3 Dinafem seeds (Blue Hash, Blue Cheese and Blue Widow) on January 4th, they sprouted nicely in jiffy jars. On the 10th of January, I have put them...
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    Need some advice with curing

    Thanks everyone for the advice, I spread them out on a shoe box, I squeezed one of them and there was still a very pleasent fruity smell :) Perhaps I am a bit paranoid, i'm going to let them dry a few mins on the cardboard shoe box a bit and put them back to curing jar
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    Need some advice with curing

    Hello Snidley, I appreciate your time! Sorry, just to make it clear, you mean put my weed in a cereal box and put that cerial box in my jar?
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    Need some advice with curing

    Hey Guys, So I have been drying my buds since last sunday, (trimmed before drying and hung the whole plant upside down in grow tente) yesterday I checked them, the smaller stems were snapping and the buds were feeling a bit dry on the outside I decided to put them in a mason jar last night (...
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    Hey Clumpyoyster, Thank you very much for the feedback, makes me very happy haha Just a quick question before I chop, last time a gave nutrients was 7+ days ago or so and I gave them water once a fwe days ago Should I do more flushing or is this fine? Thanks!
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    Hey all The advice and input is greatly appreciated Just a small update on my baby, getting very impatient!!! I think imstarting to see amber but not sure! Do i need to wait sum more? Thanks!
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    Hi guys, i appreciate the input! I guess i’ll wait a bit longer, i stopped giving nuted a few days ago, was this a good idea? Perhaps a should give her some nutes once more before flushing? Regarding the yellowing trichomes, what does this signify ? Are they on there way to turning Amber or is...
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    Hey guys, First time grower here, Just wanted some advice on when would be best to harvest I have a few photos of trichromes but i'm having a hard time telling if they are milky or clear. From what im seeing is there are no amber trichromes I searched the internet a bit, however opinions seem...