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  1. selfmedicator462

    Mag def or ph issue?

    I've grown this strain (alien OG) before and didn't have any issues. Checked my meter and it reads 0.05 low so not a huge issue. Not sure what I did. Maybe I zoned out mixing my nutes one day.
  2. selfmedicator462

    Mag def or ph issue?

    6.5. I'll double check my calibration just to be sure it hasn't changed. I forgot to mention I do use calmag.
  3. selfmedicator462

    Mag def or ph issue?

    i have never had a single problem with seedlings all the way up to flower. Usually my problems happen late in flower so this is new to me. Haven't wavered on my setup in the last 6 grows. Growing in promix hp with lots of perilite. Only feeding 100ppm of veg&bloom. Ph'd at 6.5. The leaves are...
  4. selfmedicator462


    I forgot what my original question was.
  5. selfmedicator462


    After I scraped my pans i vacuum purged for several hours. The product from the bud ended up like a stiff sap and sugar leaf stuff got a little brittle like shatter. I noticed a much better flavor than ISO, even the green batch tasted good. ISO always had a chemical taste imo.
  6. selfmedicator462


    I did a relatively quick wash. Maybe 5 minutes. Solvent was in the freezer for a few days. Ive read that with ethanol to soak it 24 hours. Is that necessary? Seems like overkill. Just judging by whats in the tray is roughly the same amount ive netted with ISO.
  7. selfmedicator462


    Oh ok. I was just concerned I was having issues. First time using everclear as a solvent.
  8. selfmedicator462


    Ive only made oil a few times using ISO but recently caught hell from a friend for using it so thought I'd try everclear. Used an ounce of Alien OG bud in one and CBD OG trim in the other. Both trays were crystal clear (trim has green tint) but after a while the one on the hot plate (very low...
  9. selfmedicator462

    Old age or ph issue?

    Cut her down today. Turned a nice purplish color. My trichs were mostly milky with some turning dark brown so I decided it was time. Some Amber but not much. Probably going to run this again right away to see if I can get my feeding squared away.
  10. selfmedicator462

    Cali connection CBD OG

    Finished week 9 today and chopped. Had some nute burn again. I need to taper off towards the end of my grow. Started to get some brown (not Amber) trichs so figured it was time. Ended up with a nice color that literally showed up last night. Gonna dry it and see what it's like. I may run this...
  11. selfmedicator462

    Old age or ph issue?

    Ok. you guys were spot on. Nute burn. I flushed with about 4 gallons (5 gallon smart pot) of PHed water and what came out was like pure ice tea! I had no idea that peat was retaining all that. Not sure how I pulled off my first handfull of grows but they all turned out fine and I havent changed...
  12. selfmedicator462

    Old age or ph issue?

    Ive been smoking subcool pennywise for the last 3 years. Easiest strain ive grown so far from start to finish.
  13. selfmedicator462

    Old age or ph issue?

    Dude. Avoiding bad info is hard. So much of it out there. I've read a few books and tons of online stuff but once you get in these forums, the bad info starts to flow. Almost like some people want you to fail. I'm just trying to get the best meds for myself possible.
  14. selfmedicator462

    Old age or ph issue?

    Yeah I didn't know you were supposed to taper off. That does seem to be what's happening here.
  15. selfmedicator462

    Old age or ph issue?

    Man where were you guys when I was starting out a few years ago? I've asked these questions a few times and got so many mixed answers that I've just been winging it. Think I'm just going to flush this tomorrow and see how it does the rest of the week. From now on I'll start tapering off around...
  16. selfmedicator462

    Old age or ph issue?

    everybody ive talked to and everything ive read says to feed everytime with soiless. Out of 2.5 gallons of water I usually get about a gallon back in run off. Yeah the yellow tips started about 2 weeks ago. I got my mix a little hot but backed it off the next few feeds. Thanks for the info cause...
  17. selfmedicator462

    Old age or ph issue?

    Im using Hydroponics Research Veg and bloom...You continue using it in flower and add Size which is a bloom nute. I forgot to mention that. Im in soiless so I HAVE to feed everytime. Ive tried less ppm and it starves them. As far as I know peat really doesnt retain any nutes.
  18. selfmedicator462

    Old age or ph issue?

    I've had others that have said ph like you would for soil. It's promix hp. So pretty much all peat and perilite. It always does good until the final stretch.
  19. selfmedicator462

    Old age or ph issue?

    does this look like a plant 9 weeks in flower or a ph problem? Checked my meter it's on the money. Feeding at 950ppm plus some flower nutes at 100ppm and calmag in soiless medium. Ph at 6.5. I've had this issue before but it was a bad meter so my meter was reading low. I want to try and get...
  20. selfmedicator462

    Cali connection CBD OG

    Starting week 9. Starting to yellow. Not sure if it's old age or ph issue. Meter has been calibrated. Feeding like I have been. Ph at 6.5. Not a lot of Amber yet. I'd like to get another week in.