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    DWC clone need help with Net Pot Question!

    Pls watch my video:
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    First DWC Failed Need Help!

    Tried to do a deep water culture system. It turned out that my plant wasn't liking it, Im REALLY trying 2 get this operation off the ground but for some reason my clone wasn't taking to well to it, i have a video of my setup, i believe my water leaves wern't correct, i had the water so that it...
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    DWC Gone Wrong! need help!

    Tried to do a deep water culture system. It turned out that my plant wasn't liking it, Im REALLY trying 2 get this operation off the ground but for some reason my clone wasn't taking to well to it, i have a video of my setup, i believe my water leaves wern't correct, i had the water so that it...
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    DWC Gone Wrong! need help!

    Tried to do a deep water culture system. It turned out that my plant wasn't liking it, Im REALLY trying 2 get this operation off the ground but for some reason my clone wasn't taking to well to it, i have a video of my setup, i believe my water leaves wern't correct, i had the water so that it...
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    DWC Failure

    Tried to do a deep water culture system. It turned out that my plant wasn't liking it, Im REALLY trying 2 get this operation off the ground but for some reason my clone wasn't taking to well to it, i have a video of my setup, i believe my water leaves wern't correct, i had the water so that it...
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    Watering the DWC?

    Do i ever need to water the top portion of the plant? folier feeding? with a spray bottle? indoor DWC? pls need help!
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    I Need Some Help, I got a clone in the DWC and ive put the water level 2 right where the beginning roots are, so the roots are being bubbled on. I moved the water level down and my plants got a lil burned, so i put the water level back 2 normal. Ive noticed my play looks a little yellowish too...
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    Just started my first DWC

    Possibly too many nutes?
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    Just started my first DWC

    I Need Some Help, I got a clone in the DWC and ive put the water level 2 right where the beginning roots are so the roots are being bubbled on, i moved the water level down and my plants got a lil burned, so i put the water level back 2 normal. Ive noticed my play looks a little yellowish too...
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    Cola's On Fire

    So I have 2 plants in my closet, one is getting tooo big so i cut the top cola off about 6 inches down, its 5 weeks into flowering so it probably wont grow anymore but i have a few questions. 1) i clipped the top cola and trimmed the leaves and have small nuggs. is it okay 2 dry and smoke the...
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    600w MH or CFL For Veg?

    Closet sized grow room growing 1 large dwc plant Is there going 2 be a vast difference bettween the too size/quality wise? Because i know it makes a difference Electrical Bill Wise.
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    CFL or 600w MH?

    Hey guys, so I have a few questions, but before I ask i want you guys to understand what im trying 2 create. I've already turned my closet into a grow room, and have successfully grown a crop! Im about 2 start growing again. Before I had 2 large size plants and was running out of room. This time...
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    First DWC, Need Advice!

    Hi, I have just compiled a DWC and i was wondering if there was anything else I'm going to need? i have a basic picture of what the operation looks like. Im trying 2 grow 1 LARGE indica dom. plant. Once again this is a first time thing, any suggestions? does this look correct!? Supplies: One...
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    First DWC, Need Advice!

    Hi, I have just compiled a DWC and i was wondering if there was anything else I'm going to need? i have a basic picture of what the operation looks like. Im trying 2 grow 1 LARGE indica dom. plant. Once again this is a first time thing, any suggestions? does this look correct!? Supplies: One...
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    Just bought a new 600W HPS system! 2 Different bulbs! Which One Do I Use?,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1280&bih=888&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=8927203049686359104&sa=X&ei=Mn1MTp69HfTKiALssYWpAQ&sqi=2&ved=0CGwQ8gIwAA ^^...
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    Growing under 150w hps

    What sort of growth should i see if done correctly? How much growth should i see if i go 18/6 for 1 week?
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    New Indoor Grower

    So i bought 2 clones at the club Today, one is a a 10 inch tall clone, the other is about 6 in. (i live in cali) and i need 2 know what i need 2 do to grow it. I Have my closet as a grow room, its wrapped in Mylar, and i have a 150W HPS bulb...
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    New Indoor Grower

    So i bought 2 clones at the club Today, one is a a 10 inch tall clone, the other is about 6 in. (i live in cali) and i need 2 know what i need 2 do to grow it. I Have my closet as a grow room, its wrapped in Mylar, and i have a 150W HPS bulb...
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    the clone i bought is about 10inches tall :/ what do u supose i do!?
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    First Time Grower Uses Sun System 150w Hps

    Hello, this is my first time growing and i just purchased My question is, How far should it be from the top of my plants!? please i must know, i had 4 plants and i put the light about less then 1 foot away from the plants and...