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  1. P

    Grow #2 MK-Ultra organic live soil no nutes

    Yeah I like it a lot. I have processed a lot of it.
  2. P

    Grow #2 MK-Ultra organic live soil no nutes

    Liquid soil ph testers. I have a few different ones
  3. P

    Grow #2 MK-Ultra organic live soil no nutes

    Yeah I usually test the actual 1x to 2x per week. I water in between test runoff to have a quick measure.
  4. P

    Grow #2 MK-Ultra organic live soil no nutes

    Yeah I have a couple different test kits. Hopefully soon I'll have the bluelab. But now I have 3 different drop based kits that I compare samples to.
  5. P

    Grow #2 MK-Ultra organic live soil no nutes

    So my soil ph is pretty stable at 7.0 I water at 6.0 allow for run off and test normally right around 6.4 to 6.5
  6. P

    Grow #2 MK-Ultra organic live soil no nutes

    Yeah just for moisture. I flip on the Ph now and again but I have other testers.
  7. P

    Grow #2 MK-Ultra organic live soil no nutes

    I can spread it out to a 4x4 I didn't know how dense it should be. I'm just learning the scrog method not really sure if I'm doing it right density wise. They are currently in 4x3 will 4x4 be enough?
  8. P

    Grow #2 MK-Ultra organic live soil no nutes

    Also should I flip or give the left side and the front right corner time to fill out?
  9. P

    Grow #2 MK-Ultra organic live soil no nutes

    So the soil is fortified with epsom salt for cal-mag needs. I was doing foliar feed for the first two weeks of flower during the stretch, and then stop as nutrients needs/demand start to switch from N to P-K. My foliar is mostly for nitrogen needs. Does that all sound correct?
  10. P

    Grow #2 MK-Ultra organic live soil no nutes

    Post thought I check runoff 1x a week. Been holding ranging from 900-1180ppm. Do you think I will need further soil ammendments for flowering?
  11. P

    Grow #2 MK-Ultra organic live soil no nutes

    Hi all, This is my second grow. Changed some things around from first grow. Upgraded lights got rid of burples. Now growing with organic live soil with no nutes. I am doing daily EWC tea foliar feeding prior to lights coming on. Humidity is stable at about 50% Temperature is 68f-70f night and...
  12. P

    First real grow. Organic Soil.

    Cool thanks I appreciate the feedback.
  13. P

    First real grow. Organic Soil.

    Yeah im waiting for the new camera to come in for my phone. I tried to limit the burple lights but some had it in. White lights will be here after I harvest this round. Buds looked properly developed?
  14. P

    First real grow. Organic Soil.

    No feedback?
  15. P

    First real grow. Organic Soil.

    Some more pics of plants below screen to see branching/training and plant maturity.
  16. P

    First real grow. Organic Soil.

    So here is some pics of my plants in flower. Some are just finishing week 4 and some are finishing week five. Week 4 plants they are 1 plant per 2.5'x2.5'. Plant in Week 5 is 1 plant per 3x3. So I grew green twice before this once in High-school and once a couple years ago just to familiarize...
  17. P

    First Grow. Week 5 flower.

    Wk 5 flower. Starting to get sugary. Growing all organic. 1 plant per 3x2.5 10 and 15 gallon pots. 260W led per plant.
  18. P

    How am i looking? Wk 2 Flower first grow.

    Sorry my bad.
  19. P

    How am i looking? Wk 2 Flower first grow.

    Just trying to get some feedback. How am I looking? These are WK 2 of flower. I'm new to growing green this is technically my first grow.. These are 2 plants, one Tropical Afghan and one Cannalope Kush. One in a 15gal and one in a 10gal pot. 2.5x4 area. All organic, soil (made mix super...
  20. P

    Help Please!!! PH problems... Looking for advice.

    Must grow thanks for the reply. So do you think I should flush or repot? And I'm right it looks like PH problems?